Subject: Another F'R'E'E Teleseminar + OMG Relationship Chaos!

Another F'R'E'E Power Clear and Heal Tele-seminar
and OMG Relationship Chaos - Drama to da Max! 

Hello Everyone it's Friday, September 5th, 2014!

I wanted to keep you in the know that I am offering another f’r’e’e Power Clear and Heal Tele-seminar! Also a quick announcement for the September Healing Programs about to begin looking forward to having you there but before I get to those I wanted to share that there are A LOT of relationship dramas going on.

A LOT, A LOT, A LOT of relationship dramas – break downs, blow ups, break ups, make ups! They are happening everywhere. Relationships are all over the place! Even I am being affected by relationship drama right now – it’s nuts! I haven’t had this type of stuff in my life for years … and now I am revisiting it too, blah. Thank heavens it’s only one person. J

So here’s what I know.

When you are presented with a situation that feels hurtful or makes you angry in any way – step back, don’t react – in that moment! Yeah I know it can be very, very hard because you feel attacked and you feel you need to attack back but do your absolute best to step back, breathe, think about the situation, get your baring’s about you and then when the time is right take pro-active movement forward with the relationship.

You are in control and you have the power of making better decisions for yourself when you make them from your heart space rather than from ego protection space. The ego will have this drama returning for another round of learning so if you really want to be done with it, you need to make the decision from your heart on how to handle the situation that has been presented to you.

So during your thinking time don’t use it for stinkin-thinkin! Don’t let your thoughts be hateful and filled with rage. See the person as a soul teaching you something. Use this time to really assess your relationship with that person.

Ask yourself what in this relationship am I missing?

Why is this being presented to me now, what do I need to learn from this experience?

Step back and look at the BIGGER picture not just the current situation.

Is there an overall theme that keeps returning over and over again in your life – but maybe with different players? So said in a different way, do you keep attracting the same type of drama to yourself but with different people? What are they trying to show you about yourself? Look deep, be honest and you’ll find the answer.

Before you take action I highly recommend that you take some time and do some energetic forgiveness work – give forgiveness to the other person, accept forgiveness from the other person and forgive yourself, then let it all go. You will know when you have truly forgiven because you will be able to think of the person without filling with rage, hatred, sadness, etc.

Then it’s action time and remember you have to make the right decision FOR YOU not the other person. They are teaching you something very important about yourself and when you take the right action for yourself the relationship either transforms or dissolves and the beauty about this – the person that is teaching you the lesson can now be released from it and move on with their own life! The no longer have to keep playing that part for you.

It is all in divine order.

Whatever decision you make continue with energetic forgiveness. This will help heal the wounds, flush out the toxins that get created in your body from holding anger, resentment, etc. and lessen or stop altogether attracting the same situation back into your life. Once you learn a lesson – you are done with it. Hallelujah!



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Mondays Healing with the Masters Program begins Monday at 8PM EST

We're back and this time the delivery is different!

My past program you received the energetic infusions at a distance with no means of physical connection on Monday’s. NOW, with this new, highly improved, put-your-big-girl-panties-on-powerful-high-frequency-infused-Mondays, you will participate in the activations by connecting to my personal teleconference room either using your telephone, Skype or the web so this means you’ll be experiencing the energy of it as I gently and carefully guide you through each Monday night session! I feel that this will make it a much more powerful experience for you especially for those that love the direct contact, woohoo!

Dates: September 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th

Fee: $97

Full Details:


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Lightarian Clearing Program begins Tuesday at 8PM EST or  Wednesday at 9AM EST  or Saturday at 1PM EST

In order to effectively move along your spiritual path, four general areas of personal development must be taking place - they are clearing, healing, activation and manifestation.

With varying intensity and varying pace, these four forms of energy work are naturally unfolding for each of us, however, through the use of various energetic tools, you can stimulate and accelerate breakthroughs in your personal spiritual journey and energetic development!

This fabulous Multi-dimensional Clearing Program has six levels that are simple but extremely effective activations with each level serving a different purpose for your growth and personal evolution and each level builds upon the previous level.

Fee: $147 for the full 3 month journey! (bi-weekly sessions)

Full Details:


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LaHoChi Group Session on Thursday Morning at 11AM EST

This high frequency healing energy is available for all to receive AND all healings are permanent and continuously propel you towards infinite spiritual perfection!

Your physical body is in existence because of a number of layers or “fields” each vibrating and co-existing around you at different frequencies. If there is a manifestation of an illness or imbalance on the physical / cellular layer of your body it logically follows that there is also an energetic disturbance on one or all of your subtle energetic fields as well.

LaHoChi energy quickly travels to the part of the body that is out of balance and clears, cleanses and energizes the area back into health

Fee: $37

Full Details:


To register for the F’R’E’E Power Clear and Heal Tele-seminar

Go to the following link AND send it to all your friends too …


As always, live in gratitude and stay fab!

Lisa xoxox


Lisa Whatley, hostess of  is an International Miracle Mind Mentor and Self Help Empowerment Specialist, Spiritual Law of Attraction Life Coach, Master Energy Healer, Hypnotherapist  and Published Writer specializing in personal transformation growth programs. Lisa is the girl to go to if you're ready to give up your excuses and start to grow, to expand your consciousness and bust through barriers and blocks that hold you back from living with joy and having a passionate love affair with your life, maybe for the first time ever!


Infinity Light Healing, RR1, Mount Elgin, Ontario N0J 1N0, Canada
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