Subject: F*R*E*E Healing + Quick Update to Keep You in the Know!

Create a Life You Love!
  Secret Juicy Hot n Fab Tips + Tools 



Hello my amazing-soul-loving-high-vibe-sista! You may not have heard from me in a long (long, long) time and for that I apologize to the max so before you delete this email keep reading because you did subscribe for a reason! This is Lisa Whatley, hostess of in case you didn't recognize the new look. :)


There was a glitch in the newsletter system since upgrading the website (three times now, long story!) to a brand new look and feel and quite a few of you have not been receiving the all new “Secret Juicy Hot n Fab Tips and Tools” from the brand new Create a Life You Love Newsletter. So I want to make up for that and invite you to participate in a f*r*e*e healing teleseminar this upcoming Thursday evening hosted and delivered by myself, I'll get to all the juicy details for that in a minute but first I must share all the new deets that you probably are unaware of since so much change has taken place at ILH.


For those of you new to this newsletter, I want to once again extend a huge welcome, super stoked you made the decision to join our amazing soul-loving-high-vibe-tribe and I hope I've already heard from you after you received your welcome email from me, I sooo love reading those!


To all my loyal-long-time-amazing-soul-loving-high-vibe-tribe-subscribers it's important you know that the Create a Life You Love Newsletter will be only going out at the end of each month from here on out now that the system appears to be fixed. Most months you'll only hear from me once - if I have something really super-uber-juicy-hot to share then you'll hear from me up to four times a month maximum and remember if you don't like hearing from me, at the bottom of every newsletter there is an unsubscribe button, you are free to leave our soul-loving-high-vibe-tribe anytime just keep in mind you subscribed for a reason but if you’ve changed your mind you know what to do. :)


Each month you’re going to learn How You Can Live Your Life Being Happy, Happy, Happy and Unapologetically Endlessly Rich, Abundant and Free and you’ll receive all the hot news about upcoming events.

I invite those that haven’t already to do this one thing, reply to this email and tell me what you are struggling with right now in your life, even if it’s something small, don’t hesitate to share it with me! Such things as what problems are you struggling with right now, what are your concerns and fears, what are your hopes and desires, what’s most important to you and what’s stopping you from moving forward in your life? What most do you need help with? All your responses help me build a better newsletter for you because I answer your most pressing concerns but please know that your name or situation will never be made public. Your reply will be sent to me directly and as I stated earlier, I LOVE reading every single one I get so I look forward to hearing from you real soon!


Many of you, my soul-loving-high-vibe-tribers, have worked with me numerous times in the past and as you know all energy healing sessions have been done at a distance with no physical connection … well times have changed and so has my method of delivery. Almost everything that I offer, we now connect physically via telephone, skype or webcast. Upgraded energy and coaching sessions and upgraded technology provides YOU with an amazing healing experience with the added benefits of personal connection all designed to help transform your life from ‘meh, I don’t even want to get out of bed today’ to ‘I love my life, I can’t wait to start my day!’ Of course for those of you that love distance sessions (no physical connection) I still provide those, the choice is yours. :)


Here is all the great, low-fee group sessions and programs upcoming in September. Group programs and sessions are only reduced in fee not quality so get yourself registered before they expire!

High Frequency LaHoChi Energy Healing Group Sessions

Thursday, August 28th
Thursday, September 11th
Thursday, September 25th

LaHoChi energy quickly travels to the part of the body that is out of balance and clears, cleanses and energizes the area back into health.

Other Benefits Include:

LaHoChi reweaves the energy field by repairing holes, tears and shattered  areas caused by a variety of impacts including difficult birth, radiation, surgery, drugs, accidents, former and present life injuries, all types of trauma, environmental toxins, negative affirmations and genetic tendencies.

              Brings in the vibrations of color and sound.

·        Performs acupuncture in your etheric field.

·        Brings in the vibrations of flower and mineral essences.

·       Balances the flow of cranial fluid in your brain and balances your cranial pulse.

·      Opens your body’s 21 energy flows or organ system meridians.

·      Opens any blockages in your subtle energy bodies.

·      Opens and clears your chakra system.

·      Realigns your body’s blueprint – a 3 layer grid system that holds your body’s integrity.

·         Clears electrical blocks in your energy body, a web-like link between your cellular memory and your physical body, so information can pass freely.

·         Expands your energy field.

·         Places divine memory in the outer layer of your energy field, which will transmit divine memory to your entire body.

·         Places divine memory in your etheric field for the purpose of healing imbalances.

·         Activates your light body.

·         Accelerates you in opening up to your healing and spiritual gifts.

·         Assists you in attaining highest states of meditation or consciousness possible for you in the present moment.

We will be connecting as a group via my personal teleconference room. You can participate either by telephone, skype or the web. If you choose your telephone I will be providing local dial in numbers for those that live in the U.S., Canada, U.K and Australia.

Details and Register ...


Lightarian Group Clearing 12 Week Program

There are 3 groups starting as follows:

Group 1 are Tuesday’s – starting September 9th

Group 2 are Wednesday’s – staring September 10th  

Group 3 are Saturday’s – staring September 13th

Benefits of Participating in the Program and Receiving the Energy Clearings

·         Long existing patterns contributing to physical stresses, discomfort and dis-ease; deep seated emotional and mental restrictions and blockages.

·         Limiting belief structures and unresolved soul-level spiritual issues.

·         Adverse patterns source by family, cultural, ethnic, religious and other mass-consciousness influences.

·         Undesired implants, attachments, strong behaviour patterns and addictions, detrimental past and future life influences.

And over time, as adverse energies are cleared, these kinds of experiences begin to show up naturally in your life …

·         The highest expression of your Divine Self powerfully comes forth as enhanced clearing stimulates the healing of all of your subtle bodies and the physical body as well.

·         You begin to create a day-to-day experience of more and more conscious choice and one of less and less automatic behaviour patterns, addictions, doubts, fears and pain.

·         Higher vibrational energies can flow more freely into your energy fields allowing your chakras and subtle bodies to anchor more light.

·         Gifts and talents that were dormant may start to surface and your ability to create joy, clarity and abundance in your life will be expanded.

·         Change in your life will be accelerated as you further master the art of letting go. The kinds of shifts in your life that used to require months and years to accomplish will now take place in weeks and months. Perhaps those that used to take days and weeks will take only hours.

·         An extraordinary aspect of becoming the master of letting go is to begin to experience the releasing of very obvious physical conditions in your life, such as relationships, residences, occupations, eating habits, etc. Past clients who have completed all six levels of the clearing work report about the virtually effortless ways in which they are “disengaging” from the most fundamental of our physical conditions and circumstances that no longer serve their highest purposes.

·         There probably will be periods of stress and strain on the fundamental fabric of your experience of living, yes there will be emotional upsets because you are still an emotional being. Yes there will be doubts because you are still a mental being, however the way in which you handle upsets and doubts will have been fundamentally shifted forever.

·         New and expanded levels of trust will be manifesting in your life.

Welcome to a life of being a clearer, more authentic human being carrying more of your higher light into your daily experiences but only if you register, show up and participate and IF you act fast you could be one of the lucky ones that saves $350! There are currently 12 spots left (at the time of this writing) for this savings and once they are filled I have no choice but to increase it to its regular fee. What are you waiting for? Go, go go!

We will be connecting as a group via my personal teleconference room. You can participate either by telephone, skype or the web. If you choose your telephone I will be providing local dial in numbers for those that live in the U.S., Canada, U.K and Australia.

Full Details and Registration ...



Yes, we’re back! Spend your Monday’s Healing With the Masters of Light!

Each Monday of the month you’ll receive numerous energetic healing infusions of light from the Masters of Light to assist you upon your journey by connecting to my personal teleconference room via telephone, skype or the web.

You have got to go to the webpage to read all about this monthly group program, so here’s where you can get all the details and get yourself registered for the month of September ...

We will be connecting as a group via my personal teleconference room. You can participate either by telephone, skype or the web. If you choose your telephone I will be providing local dial in numbers for those that live in the U.S., Canada, U.K and Australia

You’re going to LOVE, love, love this program!


Thursday, August 28th at 9PM EST

This is open to EVERYONE so go ahead and share this link so they can register themselves too!

I have offered a free monthly distance energy healing session every single month of the year for the past TEN YEARS. My free healing list is humongous, larger actually than those of you who subscribe to my main newsletter cuz everyone loves free, right?

Well I must confess, I now have a problem with ‘free’ and because of it … I burnt that humungous list.

When I started the free healing session, its sole purpose was to give back to those of you in my community, to give back to my amazing-soul-loving-high-vibe-tribe because you loved my work, you loved how I was helping you with the sessions I offered and the information I provided so it felt very natural for me to give back to you because you have allowed me to live my soul purpose, my passion, my dream. This has always made me feel so good giving back to you because I am so grateful for YOU, I’m so grateful to be of service to my fellow soul family.

Giving from the heart is awesome but when you know that your giving is not being helpful – it’s time to make a decision. I made mine.  

Ever since I started the monthly free healing session it has been my requirement that each person sends in their request via email and I would send back in return the time, prayer and instructions to connect. Now here’s where my problem comes into play - because its FREE people just weren’t showing up for THEIR healing. They add their name to a list BUT don’t want to take responsibility for their own life.

This saddens me because, and I’m assuming here, they believe their life and circumstances will change magically by only adding their name to a list and not have to do anything more than that. However truth be told, they will not ever receive the healing they desire because they have no desire to really heal. If they did they would show up for themselves. This breaks my heart because I’m spending my time doing healing sessions month after month, year after year, on people that really don’t care about themselves, that don’t really want to change their life, change their circumstances, change their health.

Well, today all this changes. I care enough about YOU that I will no longer accept that you won’t show up for yourself. If you want FREE healing from me, the Masters, Angels and my Spiritual Healing Tribe – you are going to have to show up on the call – not for me but for YOU. I will no longer accept lists of names of family members unless they themselves are also participating on the call. In order to heal yourself, raise your vibration and change your consciousness you must take responsibility for your life. You must show up in your life. You must take action and do something about your circumstances not just add your name to a list and keep on doing the same thing you’ve always done. Love yourself enough and make the time for self-care.

I’m inviting you to show up and take control of your life so here’s the link for the teleseminar  and know in advance this isn’t your typical teleseminar where you show up and listen to people promote stuff for you to buy. This is a high frequency, powerful healing session – my gift to you. You’ll only be investing 30 minutes of your time and 25 of those minutes you will be receiving energy - so see you there! 

PS: We will be connecting as a group via my personal teleconference room. You can participate either by telephone, skype or the web. If you choose your telephone I will be providing local dial in numbers for those that live in the U.S., Canada, U.K and Australia. There are a limited number of seats therefore I can not ensure that everyone that wants to participate will make it into the conference room. I always buy enough space for my paid for clients but for my f*r*e*e events it's first come first served. :)

Live in Gratitude and Stay Fab!

Lisa Whatley




  Push play and receive Energy Healing! 

  Let's take this journey together! 

   What is my Life Purpose? What are my natural gifts? What will make me happy? How compatible is my relationship?
A numerology reading can answer these questions!
Infinity Light Healing, RR1, Mount Elgin, Ontario N0J 1N0, Canada
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