Welcome to the Party! We've been expecting you!

September 25th, 2010 at 12:20 pm CDT

Welcome to the Party!  We've been expecting you!

Tea Party in Ft Worth helps Constitution Party grow!

Thanks to each of you who attended the Tarrant County Tea Party on Saturday, 18 Sept, where well over a thousand conservatives came out to express their frustration with politics as usual.  As usual, the GOP (Group of Prostitutes) was well represented, with many candidates and several speakers, doing all they could to pretend that the Republican Party is the heart and soul of the Tea Parties.  But the Tea Party crowd, mostly Republicans, was not buying it.  They clearly know the difference, and many of them are not going to be swayed by the same old rhetoric.

A special thank you and WELCOME to the Party of the Constitution for those of you who joined, from Parker, Dallas, Denton and Tarrant Counties!

We also welcome the many more who signed up to receive our newsletters and occasional bulletins! 

There are MANY conservatives within the framework of that party, and we know that since most of us were once there ourselves.  What is encouraging this year is that the folks at the Tea Parties are not only the party faithful, but many Independents, and many of them have never before gone to a patriotic rally.  People are waking up, and the Tea Parties are doing a good job of helping that happen.  The Republican Party, (which has only two abiding principles:  Get Elected; and Get Re-elected!), still doesn't get it.  They think they can ride this one to victory in November, and that will be the end of it.

In addition to working the Gun Shows and the county fairs and annual events in our counties, we need to pay particular attention to the Tea Parties whenever we get a chance, to make sure that those fine people know that (a) there is an alternative (one that actually believes in the Constitution!), and (B) they can have more leverage with their membership in our party than they can in Socialist Party B. 

Under the current political situation, there is clearly no alternative to conservative voters in 2010, in Texas and many other states, but to vote for Republican candidates, or in a few nice cases, for Independents.  But voting for a candidate wearing a certain label does not mean the party owns us, and that is the frustration of both Socialist Party A and Socialist Party B.

While the talk and the focus of nearly everyone is on election day six weeks from now, our focus must be on 2011, and key having much more influence with your vote and your voice is to grow this party like mad, starting immediately.  We understand that votes in the ballot box are, in the end, the most effective way to change the diapers of the body politic.  We need a county organization up and running in your county as early as possible next year.  Why so soon?  Because:
  • Candidates for office are not cultivated 30 days before an election.  They start AT LEAST a year before the election, if not two.  Candidates for office in 2012 must declare by the end of 2011. 
  • In order to find potential candidates, we must increase our numbers among the Conservatives of Principle.
  • In order to train those potential candidates, we must hold training sessions in the summer and the fall of 2011.
  • In order to field Candidates, we must have county organizations functioning early.
  • In order to gain solid ballot access by petition to the State of Texas (a rigged game, thanks to the bipartisan exclusive clubs known as Republican and Democrat Parties), we must have LOTS of members in 2012. 
Those who are content to sit and follow may continue to watch our country be sold down the river by this duopoly of political malfeasance, and frankly, have nothing to complain about if they sat and watched it happen.  If you want to break the monopoly of the phony "two-party system" and eventually have a real choice at the polls, then we urge you to join the Constitution Party, to pay dues and make donations, to consider running for office, to encourage others to join and to run for office, and to assume the authority which is yours - to take an active role in running your own county, your own State, and the entire country! 

It belongs to you and me - let's retire the professional politicians and see if they can hold an honest job somewhere.  Maybe as a Wal-Mart greeter!

For the Constitution, as it once was,

Bryan Malatesta

National Tyranny is the problem.
NULLIFICATION is the solution!

Texas Website:  www.cptexas.us · E-mail:  chairman@cptexas.us ·  National Party Website:  www.constitutionparty.com