Constitution Day 2010

September 16th, 2010 at 7:53 pm CDT


TODAY marks the 223rd anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution.

Yippeeeee…. Hurrah!

What does that mean for TODAY?

Check out our short video on just that question here.

We ask again - What does that mean for TODAY?

That is the question…..and to help answer that, here is an event you don’t want to miss presented by:

Hillsdale College Constitution Day Celebration

First Annual Hillsdale College Constitution Day Colloquium


The original compact formed by 13 colonies changed the world.

Do we as Americans and as Texans have what it takes to live in a Constitutional Republic as originally intended 223 years ago?

The Tea Parties rally round the flag and the Constitution!

The Republican Revolution via Newt Gingrich was a wet noodle!

Even Republican Senator Jim Demint recently stated: Frankly, I'm at a point where I'd rather lose fighting for the right cause than win fighting for the wrong cause.

The Values Voter Summit has some of the biggest conservative leaders speaking. Here is the list: Sean Hannity, The Duggar Family, Senator Rick Santorum, Gary Bauer, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Phyllis Schlafly, Gov. Mitt Romney, Ken Blackwell, Bishop Harry Jackson, and a host of others. The line-up is a virtual who's who of social conservatives.

Please name ONE TIME that ANY of those people stood up for Constitutional Government under Original Intent? How many are willing to throw off the Federal shackles and be FREE?

If they had, we might possibly not be living in the worst political regime that this country has ever experienced.

It has been reported that Texas Republican Senator John Cornyn is in favor of a Constitutional Convention. For what purpose may we ask? If the Senator actually was faithful to his oath, he would have been screaming TREASON and SEDITION for the entire 7 ½ years that he has been in office!

To rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby, rock the boat, don't tip the boat over, rock the boat, don't rock the boat baby, rock the boat-t-t-t-t….remember that 70’s diddy?

It’s time that YOU my dear friend stood up, and ROCKED THE BOAT! And declared your firm stand upon the Rule of Law and invested your time, talents and treasures in the “old paths” as given to us through blood, sweat and tears at the foundation of this country. Namely the Declaration of Independence leading to the Constitution of the United States.

As a dear friend recently wrote in a letter to the editor (excerpted for space):

The Constitutions, both Federal and State, are the supreme laws of the land and take precedence over any unconstitutional statute or regulation passed by any legislative, executive or bureaucratic office. In their wisdom, the Framers created a Constitutional Republic whereby an oath would be taken to protect and defend it. The problem is that hardly anyone understands or takes the oath seriously anymore, and the public in general lacks the knowledge of how the Law protects and defends our unalienable rights. A program or proposed act that has no Constitutional authority is unconstitutional and has no legal effect, and no one is bound to obey it. The Mayor’s statement that expert testimony on the Constitutional provisions regarding lawful taxation would do nothing but annoy a judge exemplifies my point exactly. The judges do not follow the Law anymore than does the average politician. It is the nature of government to be corrupt and the founders warned us of the sophistry of the courts. This is the reason the Constitution was written, to limit and control government and leave the people totally free from any government interference in our private business and lives, which was in practice up and until 1861, when Lincoln introduced paper money and internal federal taxation.

The act of violating the oath by supporting things not authorized within the Constitution is a criminal act known as sedition. This is defined as overthrowing the established form of government. This practice has gone so far that we now practice communism and follow Karl Marx’s communist manifesto more so than the Bill of Rights.

Enough already!

See the video here.

Join the Hillsdale College Constitution Day Celebration here.

Join with us here.

For God, Family and the Republic,

Bryan Malatesta


We are the OFFICIAL Constitution Party of Texas

 Accept no substitutes, and do not be fooled by imposters!

Yes, believe it or not, there are at least two other groups out there who like our concept so much that they have stolen our logos, our platform, and even our name! It's nice to be popular, but this is the real deal. 

Just ask our National CP Chairman,
Jim Clymer

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