February 24th, 2011 at 6:30 am CDT


Bryan Malatesta

Remember the Alamo? 

Remember the flag?  It was a Mexican flag with the numbers "1824.

Ask your kids what those numbers stood for.  I'll bet you they weren't taught in school, since most teachers don't know the answer either.  There was a Mexican Constitution put in place in 1824, after Mexico became independent from Spain.  But one particular general didn't like the restriction it put on his ambitions, so he overthrew that constitution and declared himself dictator.  Texas and Coahuila stood strong for the constitution of 1824, so Santa Anna led his army to finish his rebellion over Mexico.  Texas and Coahuila were not the rebels - Santa Anna was!

According to AmericanMinute.com here is a timetable:

In 1821, Mexico won independence from Spain and established a Mexican Republic with a Federal Constitution.

In 1833, Santa Anna was elected President of Mexico, but quickly turned his presidency into a dictatorship by rejecting the Constitution, demanding high taxes and seizing guns.

Santa Anna punished States not submitting, such as: San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, Durango, Guanajuato, Michoacán, Yucatán, Jalisco, and Coahuila y Tejas.

In Zacatecas, Santa Anna defeated Francisco Garcia, took 3,000 prisoners and let his army ransack the city for two days.

Federal General José Antonio Mexía marched from New Orleans to Tampico, but Santa Ana defeated him and executed every prisoner.


The Battle of the Alamo began 175 years ago TODAY - FEBRUARY 24, 1836, when General Santa Anna's 3,000 troops attacked 189 Texans and Tejanos at San Antonio.

Several attempts were made to slow down the invading Mexican army (even though we were still part of Mexico, it was an invasion). The most famous of those attempts was on March 6, 1836, in San Antonio at the mission now simply called "The Alamo".  Most Texicans fled the city, with their families, but these men stayed, and when offered a chance to flee or die fighting, they each one stepped across the line and chose to fight a battle they looked certain to lose, with the fixed hope that it would contribute to a war that would be won for Liberty and Independence of Texas from the Tyrant and Butcher of Mexico.

Texas has had many great moments, and many times a few Texans have stepped up into the breach and held the line for Liberty for their families and their posterity - that being us!

Today the liberty of our children, and theirs, is under attack again.  The bulk of the threat comes from another national government, one which spurns the constraints of the Constitution under which it is supposed to be governed, and imposes its power and its swarms of officers to bury us in red tape and regulations.  The comparisons are inescapable.

The two major political parties have not stopped this onslaught -- they have enabled it!!!  While the International Socialists (Democrats) plead for welfare for the poor, their rivals the National Socialists (Republicans) plead for welfare to big business and corporate monopolies and Wall Street.  Using the "good cop-bad cop" routine, they have maneuvered us into an economy that probably cannot recover. 

You can wait until it's too late, or you can step over that line and join the Constitution Party, and help us take yet another historic stand against invasive government.  Lip service from other parties does not match their voting records.  It's time to either wake them up by building a stronger alternative, or if they won't wake up, then to replace them on the ballot as the party which actually believes in it's platform - and that is...? 

Our platform is the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

We're inviting you to step across the line, join now, and in the process, teach your children what it means to take a stand.  Then your kids can go back to school and teach their teachers about the Constitution of 1824, and why what happened then is happening all over again today. 

Living history - it's a challenge, and we think you're up to it!

Who will step across that Line In The Sand Today?

Bryan Malatesta
Constitution Party of Texas

175 years of history - let's restore Texas Independence!

We are the OFFICIAL Constitution Party of Texas

Accept no substitutes, and do not be fooled by imposters!

Yes, believe it or not, there are at least two other groups out there who like our concept so much that they have stolen our logos, our platform, and even our name! It's nice to be popular, but this is the real deal. 

Just ask our National CP Chairman,
Jim Clymer

Help us keep the lights on.  Click here to make a donation today.

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and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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