March 3rd, 2015 at 12:18 am CDT


Dear Patriot: 
That subject line is supposed to be a joke. Just look at the way the two parties raise money. So far this year, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has amassed $6.4 million in the bank and it's GOP counterpart raked in $4.4 million. But the DCCC has carries a $10 million debt while the NRCC is $7.5 million in the red. Looks like the same way they run government: one digs us in debt faster than the other, but we are still in a financial crises.
Other examples of Socialist Party A and Socialist Party B: 
•  Both parties believe tthat taxpayers should provide funding to other countries around the world. The bipartisan Commission on Appropriations approved $40.1 billion in foreign aid in 2013.
•  At least 360 former Deemocratic and Republican congressmen have jobs as lobbyists for corporations or special interest groups who then attempt to influence the same federal government they once worked for. As many as 5,400 congressional staffers have done the same in the past 10 years alone. 
One more outrageous illustration of a bi-partisan elites in action.
17,000 federal employees took home in excess of $200,000 base salary in 2014. Taxpayer households earn $43,500 on the average.
The American people have had it with politics as usual. 
A recent poll found that just 14 percent think members get reelected because they actually do a good job representing their constituents. Sixty-seven percent think they're reelected because the election rules are rigged to benefit incumbents. 
It's time to send in the cavalry. It's time for the Constitution Party to raise its flag above the One Percent who manipulate much of policy and politics in America.
We need your help to do so. Your gift of $50 or $500 or even $15 will empower our ballot access drive. Without a place to fight for our message, to have candidates who will offer practical ideas and constitutional-based ideals, we cannot compete.
Will you help?
Please be generous. Preparation for the 2016 election comes earlier for our party — the establishhment has a head start.

Frank Fluckiger
National Chairman
We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas



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