[CP Texas] Extraordinary Good News

December 3rd, 2014 at 11:58 pm CDT


Dear Patriot:

I'm writing to give you a heads-up. 

Your Constitution Party will be launching a positive and vital project that will impact every supporter and those patriots looking foor a political home.

All the details are almost in place and will be announced in the upcoming special edition of the party.s newsletter, The American Constitutionist

In the two years since I became National Chairman, I have not seen a better opportunity to grow our party and educate our fellow citizens on the meaning and importance of constitutional government.

We definitely face financial hurdles after a long and expensive election cycle, but now the right set of circumstances are before us that pave the way for a big step forward.

I am excited about the possibilities this development offers. I will explain it in the newsletter you will receive this week.

In the meantime, let,s not waste time the 2014 ellection may be over, but the work of protecting and promoting the Constitution is a challenge we face 24/7.

Thank you for all you have done, and will do, in that regard.


Frank Fluckiger
National Chairman


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