[CPTEXAS] Wrap up of the 2011 Conference

June 12th, 2011 at 2:09 pm CDT


Dear Constitutionalists in Texas,

If you attended the state conference on Saturday, June 11, in Belton, Texas, you know what a fantastic program it was.  If you missed it, you ought to ask someone who was there, because it's not too late to hear those speakers!

The DVD and audio CD discs will be ready within a week to send to all who want to order them.  $15 will get your copy, plus $2 for postage.  Send via PayPal or regular mail the very modest amount of $17 and experience what most thought was the best conference we've ever had. 

Listen to Wes Riddle, graduate of West Point, retired lieutenant colonel from the US Army, tell his view of what the House of Reps can do to save this country, since they control the budget, not the president.  And since he is about to run for Congress next year, you'll be cheering him on, and perhaps supporting him in his race.

Listen to Tim Cox tell us about G.O.O.O.H.! - Get Out of Our House! - explain what may well be the ONLY practical plan to literally replace 400 members of the House of Reps in the next election!!!  If you're not excited about that, after hearing Tim, then you weren't paying attention.  The question is simple:  "If there were a way for you to be able to toss out every left-wing rep in Congress next year, and for only $100 from your pocket, would you invest that $100?"  After you hear Tim, we think you will want to be a part of this revolution.

Hear Jay Stang talk about Oath Keepers and American Veterans in Domestic Defense, and see where veterans in particular still have a viable role to save this country.  You'll want to join.

By the time you get to former Sheriff Richard Mack, you'll be kicking yourself for not attending this conference, but so glad that you can watch it on DVD.

And when you wrap it up with Mark Collins as George Washington, you'll be motivated to stand with him again at Valley Forge and Trenton, and you'll start plotting ways to communicate that message to your children and grandchildren!

Send your order now, preferably via PayPal at this link on our website:  http://www.cptexas.us/2011conferdvd.shtml.

Bryan Malatesta
We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas



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