[CPTexas] The Day That Changed America

June 9th, 2011 at 5:40 am CDT


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The Day That Changed America

June 9, 1943

A day that shall live in infamy! This day sixty-eight years ago, the infamous withholding tax was instituted. Congress passed it as an emergency measure to get money to fight Hitler.

The tax withholding scheme idea came from Beardsley Ruml, treasurer of Macy's and chairman of New York's Federal Reserve Bank.

Called the "pay-as-you-go" tax, so much money came in with so few complaints that it continued after the war. Like the “income tax”, tax withholding isn’t going anyway anytime soon UNLESS the American People change their political habits!

But Americans weren't always so taxed. In his 2nd Annual Message, 1802, Thomas Jefferson wrote:  "To proceed as we have begun in substituting economy for taxation."

President Andrew Jackson stated in his 8th Annual Message, December 5, 1836: "There is no such provision as would authorize Congress to collect together the property of the country, under the name of revenue, for the purpose of dividing it equally or unequally among the States or the people.

Indeed, it is not probable that such an idea ever occurred to the States when they adopted the Constitution."

In his Message to Congress, May 27, 1830, Andrew Jackson said: "Through the favor of an overruling and indulgent Providence our country is blessed with general prosperity and our citizens exempted from the pressure of taxation, which other less favored portions of the human family are obliged to bear."

Tax withholding violates man’s basic right, that is the right to make a living and to have the fruit of one’s labor. No one has the right to take someone’s paycheck before the laborer receives one penny. Withholding violates this most basic fundamental God Given Right.

3 Days to our 2011 State Conference

Come hear America’s Favorite Sheriff

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