CP Texas News - Syria situation

August 29th, 2013 at 7:29 pm CDT


Dear Constitution Party Supporter:

It appears certain the military-industrial complex is priming our country for war. Firing missiles into the hottest of hot spots in the Middle East is an insane foreign "policy." The Constitution Party must get involved to help break the cycle of perpetual war for perpetual peace.

We are sending a news release (see below) to 13,000+ media outlets, among them radio talk shows and small weekly newspapers. I strongly urge you to help spread the message, "Stay Out of Syria!" by sending it to your members, allies, and friends.

Please be sure to write letters to the editors and call radio talk shows. Read the links in the news release for talking points, and use the Constitution Party as a reference so fellow citizens know where the source of sound logic comes from.

In your comments note that U.S. jingoism may backfire. Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said that military strikes could help the opposition and put pressure on Assad, but pointing to the last decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan he warned that if the government collapses without a viable opposition to take its place, "we could inadvertently empower extremists or unleash the very chemical weapons we seek to control."

Michael Rubin of the American Enterprise Institute has observed, "If Bashar Assad didn't hesitate to use chemical weapons against his own sleeping civilians, what's to stop him from using them against sleeping Turks, Jordanians or Israelis?"

My friend, we must take action. Please join the national party and help stir grass roots support against this neocon driven war. Here is the shocking background of how those "insiders" play war games.

In all this, please take heart: as we spell out in the news release, our fellow citizens know instinctively that this latest military incursion is wrong.  It's up to us to give them the reasoning why our Founding Fathers warned against war-mongering. For example, James Madison wrote, "If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy."

We have much to lose by not being on the front lines of the fight to keep the U.S. out of the Syrian civil war.


Frank Fluckiger
National Chairman

P.S. Please keep in mind Thomas Jefferson's observation too: "Never was so much false arithmetic employed on any subject, as that which has been employed to persuade nations that it is their interest to go to war."

P.P.S. Isn't it odd how times change? Today the President and Vice-President are saying they don't need Congressional approval to begin Military action in Syria when in 2008 they were singing a different song altogether.

C o n s t i t u t i o n  P a r t y

FOR RELEASE:  Friday, August 30, 2013

CONTACT:  Frank Fluckiger, National Chairman, 801-544-4056
Peter Gemma, inquiries@media.constitutionparty.com

Constitution Party: No More Meddling in the Middle East

Military intervention in Syrian civil war is unconstitutional and unwise.

The Constitution Party platform opposes interventionism, and even saber rattling, unless the vital interests of the nation are at risk and the House of Representatives authorizes military action. Our plank on foreign policy demands Congress, "refuse to fund unconstitutional, undeclared wars pursuant to presidential whim or international obligations under which American sovereignty has been transferred to multi-national agencies."

Whether it is full scale military invasion of Iraq in 1990 or what the Pentagon now calls "limited stand-off strikes" in Syria, the Constitution Party takes seriously John Quincy Adams' observation: "She has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when the conflict has been for principles to which she clings... She goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy."

The Constitution Party opposes war by Executive Order as well. The U.S. Constitution is clear: only Congress has the power to "define and punish offenses against the Law of Nations or declare war" (Art. 1, Section 8)   Congress cannot transfer to the president its exclusive power to declare war any more than it can transfer its exclusive power to levy taxes. Such a transfer is illegal.

Intervention in the Syrian civil war is not only unconstitutional, it is a risky strategy. A May 5 Reuters News Service story proves the point: "U.N. investigator: testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas." Dropping American bombs into this complex, confusing, and far away fight will only fortify terrorist rallying cries and further erode the historic U.S. foreign policy based on fairness, justice, and guided by a moral compass.

The American people understand this and are resisting the machinations of the military-industrial complex. Polls consistently show 65-75 percent opposition to meddling in the Middle East. The Constitution Party urges voters to reject U.S. jingoism and heed Thomas Jefferson's foreign policy advice: "peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none."

* * *
The Constitution Party traces its origins to 1992, when a number of independent state parties united to form the U.S. Taxpayers Party.  The party has run presidential candidates  since its founding.  In 2012 the party nominee was former Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode. The party changed its name to the "Constitution Party" in 1999 to better reflect its core beliefs.

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Constitution Party of Texas



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