CP Texas News 31 May 2009

May 31st, 2009 at 7:39 pm CDT

Noted in passing:       A Murderer is Murdered
An EDITORIAL by Daniel New

At 10:03 Sunday morning, May 31, the notorious abortionist Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed by an assassin's bullet, while he served as an usher during worship services at the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas.  A suspect has been detained and will be charged with murder.

Thus ends the career of one of the bloodiest murderers in the history of the United States, one who has cruelly and painfully taken the lives of thousands of innocent babies, still in the wombs of their mothers and most of those in "late term pregnancies", many (if not most) of whom were perfectly healthy, and who were slaughtered without regard for their own "human rights".. 

Here is one description of this infamous butcher of babies:
Since 1973, George Tiller­or "Dr. Tiller", as he likes to call himself­has performed thousands upon thousands of late-term abortions.  He is renowned among the pro-choice community for his impeccable record of safety: unlike some abortionists, he has yet to kill a woman in the process of terminating a pregnancy.  His apparent skill as an abortion practitioner has won him numerous awards, including the National Abortion Federation's highest honor, the Christopher Tietze Humanitarian Award.

Among pro-life advocates, he is famous for the cruelty with which he treats the unborn.  No case illustrates the extent of this cruelty better than the tragedy of Baby Sarah Brown, one of his many victims.
No Christian can condone taking the law into one's own hands and murdering an individual, whether for vengeance (as may well be the case of this alleged murderer), or for profit, (as in the irrefutable case of George Tiller).  What an upside-down world we live in, that Tiller the Murderer was snuffing lives daily with the full protection of the power of the State.  In other words, his victims were murdered legally.  And when a man acts outside the law in order to end the practice and save the lives of innocent children (this is currently only a prediction, but I'll be surprised if that is not the case), that man will go to prison for his actions of having literally saved many, many lives.

There seems to be only three possibilities for someone who would commit such a crime.  (1) he is a cold-blooded murderer; (2) he is/was insane; or (3) he was put up to it, a hireling.  What man in his right mind drives his own car to a church parking lot and shoots someone in front of witnesses, and then drives off with a license plate to be read by one and all?  Rest assured, he will use "temporary insanity" as a defense.  But who really benefits from such a crime?  Well, the obvious winner in all of this will be those who favor more gun-control. 

There will be many Americans who hail the assailant as a hero.  But most will do so privately, because the backlash against "vigilantism" is going to suppress dissent around the country, and put a chill on the exercise of free speech.  And there's another irony -- that those who demand the freedom to murder innocent babies will scream the loudest at the "immorality" of such an action.  "Why," they will cry, "did such a noble man have to die?"

It will pain them for us to ask, "Why did George Tiller's victims have to die?"  Many (if not most) were an inconvenient result of irresponsible behavior.  Therefore they had to die a painful death, so that their mothers might not be inconvenienced with raising them.  This is the sad state of our society, the cause of our  own slow suicide as a culture and a civilization.  In practical terms, the 4,000 children who are still being murdered EVERY DAY by abortionists are only 10% of the children killed by birth control pills and other abortifacients.  That means we actually murder 40,000 children a day, on average, and then we wonder where the children are to fill our schools, where the workers are to fill our factories and offices, where the taxpayers are to support social security in our old age.  We have killed off two generations of Americans, over the past fifty years, and now we are beginning to reap the whirlwind, economically as well as socially, and obviously, morally..

While many will rejoice that Tiller the Butcher is no longer on the scene, and is now facing Eternal Damnation, we must nonetheless deplore the tactic of taking the law into one's hands to commit violence and death.  In doing so, the reaction is going to be felt in more gun-control legislation, in the stifling of free speech, and in the condemnation of those who are pro-Life.  Not even David, anointed to be king over Israel, would raise his hand against King Saul, even when Saul sought to kill him.

It will be a good project for parents and grandparents to use this opportunity to teach our children about life and death, about abortion and the horrors of that legalized death-industry which kills for profit, and about what it means to take the law into one's own hands. 

That our nation still exists is a demonstration of the almost limitless patience and mercy of a just God, who will not be mocked, and who will judge us all, in the fullness of time.  Whether he was a plant, or a misguided zealot, I will not contribute to the inevitable defense fund of this man who has decided that he would follow his conscience against the law -- but I cannot say that I don't respect that in any man.  He will pay a price for his actions.  It was his decision.  At the same time, his crime in terms of morality cannot compare with the wickedness of the man whose life he ended.

So a violent man, a shedder of innocent blood, has died as he lived - in violence.




New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Deuteronomy 19:10  "So innocent blood will not be shed in the midst of your land which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance, and bloodguiltiness be on you." 

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
Genesis 9:6  "Whoever sheds man's blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man.
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