Subject: An Open Letter to My Narcissist

Dear Friend,

Is there anyone in your life who makes you feel powerless? Valueless? What if I told you this feeling is born not of that person but of your own wounded-ness which you have the power to heal?

To exemplify this concept, I've written An Open Letter to My Narcissist.

This letter is not born of venom or hate. It is born of the writer reclaiming her space and letting go of the energies that no longer serve her. It is her manifesto; her realization that she cannot heal the wounds of her narcissist but can decidedly heal her own.

But getting to this emancipating realization is not easy. I've done it myself, and I help others do it too. Understanding this journey needs specialized focus, I have launched Minefield Coaching — an accelerated coaching track for people navigating relationships with narcissists and narcissistic abusers.

Minefield Coaching will teach you to separate fact from fiction, understand why you're in your present situation, and gain control of YOU. My Open Letter is an example of the types of exercises I do with people in this program.

The challenge is now yours. Are you ready to emancipate yourself? You too can have this freedom, joy, and clarity. But you have to decide to walk through the shit storm first. Let me help you through it.

Be Limitless,


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