Subject: Watch: CA Plex/2E Communities June 9th Webcast

WATCH: June 9th CA 2E (SYNON) and CA Plex Community Webcast
If you weren't able to attend the June 9th CA 2E / CA Plex Community Webcast, the video is now available for streaming.

President Roger Griffith opened the meeting with an update on plans for the next CA 2E / CA Plex Conference, to be held October 25-27, 2021.

Tickets are now on sale for the conference, with a very special Super Early Bird offer that includes F1 racing tickets and a ride to and from the track along with the conference registration. These are going to sell out pretty quickly, so head on over and get them while they last.

Technical Lightning Talks:

1. Implementing a Web-based Rich Text Editor
Presented by Lily Taharudin

If you are transitioning from CA Plex C++ client-server applications to CA Plex CM WebClient web applications, you will need to find replacements for your outdated ActiveX components. In the session we demonstrate the implementation of a JavaScript-based Rich Text Editor component that can be used in CA Plex WebClient applications. You will get an appreciation of how a JavaScript component can be integrated into your Plex web application.

2. The "Q" Command
Presented by Russell Berkeley, ICS Courier

This presentation is for anyone on the IBM i platform. The “Q” command allows you to quickly view a physical file from the command line, for example:

On the command line: RUNQRY *N *libl/PIA5REP gets replaced with Q PIA5REP to quickly view the data.

The “Q” command has been enhanced over the years to give the user the ability to accomplish so much more.

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