Subject: The Speakers You Will Not Want to Miss at the CA Plex Community Sept 6th Fall Update

Build some hands-on 2E modernization skills next week

Announcing Speakers for the CA 2E (Synon) and CA Plex Community fall update

Speakers for the Sept 6th CA Communities webcast have just been announced and it looks to be quite an impressive list of CA 2E experts. Their collective expertise in bringing legacy systems to the modern age is unparalleled. Expect to take in hands-on solutions to real-world modernization challenges that you can take to your own projects right away.

If you haven't registered yet, click here to claim your spot.

We're lucky to have these experienced engineers in one meeting:

Abram Darnutzer of the Laufer Group will speak to taking a large 2E application to a pure Java application step-by-step and eliminating the green screen in the process. His talk will include converting 2E DDS Reports to modern JS reporting and simplifying the code base.

Kiyoshi Terasawa of CM First Group will demonstrate CM evolveIT's new capability to automatically translate both hand-coded and 2E-generated code directly to Java.

Alexandre Lévis of Barreau du Québec will recap their project to modernize a CA 2E RPG application to a rich, browser-based application.

Register now for the Community Webcast →

If you can't make the meeting, go ahead and register and we'll send you a link to a lightly edited version of the webcast within a week or so of the broadcast.