Subject: Free resources for May's character focus

This month's character focus is Sincerity: "Eagerness to do what is right, with transparent motives"

This month, our character focus is Sincerity. The operational definition of sincerity is “eagerness to do what is right, with transparent motives.”

God’s Word tells us what is right and that we should desire to eagerly do His will. Sincerity, however, looks beyond one’s “right” actions and examines the heart motives behind them. Motives are the reasons why we do what we do. Sincere motives are based on God’s stand­ard of righteousness, not on what society or culture finds acceptable.

One of the Greek words for sincere means “judged in the sunlight.” Holding a drinking glass up to the sunlight reveals water spots that you otherwise might not see. Likewise, you can examine your own motives by holding them up to the light of God’s Word, which is able to discern the real intentions of your heart. Godly actions are motivated by love instead of selfishness.

A sincere person has no false or hidden motives. When he gives to others, he has their best interests in mind and isn’t secretly hoping they will return the favor. A carpenter sincere in his work does not use substandard materials or present poor quality products as genuine. A friend with pure motives would not use flattery to get what he wants from you. Instead, he would ask you plainly. Do you know why you do what you do? Before you speak or act, consider the real reasons motivating you. In Luke 12:1–3, Jesus reminds us to beware of hypocrisy and to remember that nothing is hidden, but all will be revealed. As He brings wrong intentions to your mind, ask Him to replace them with unselfish, transparent, and pure motives.

Here are some free resources to help your family study sincerity this month.

Interested in going deeper with Sincerity?

This is just one lesson from a more comprehensive children’s curriculum! Check out the Sincerity booklet containing additional lessons with more coloring pages, activities, memory verses, and Bible stories, along with helpful resources for parents and teachers. Through this study, children are encouraged to examine themselves and ask God to purify their motives.

If you have questions or would like more information about the Character Calendar or children's curriculum, please email us at

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