Subject: Free resources for March's character focus

This month's character focus is Cautiousness: "Knowing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions"

This month, our character focus is Cautiousness. The operational definition of cautiousness is “knowing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions.”

The opposite of cautiousness is rashness, which means “proceeding hastily with lack of consideration.” A rash person is quick to speak, act, or react, following his natural impulses rather than taking the time to think through the ramifications, results, or consequences of his behavior. He tends to neglect gathering essential information before making a decision. James 1:19 says, “. . . Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” A person lacking cautiousness may foolishly disregard God’s direction, the feelings of others, or practical safety rules.

Being cautious may involve waiting patiently or acting bravely at the right time. God will help you know when it is the right time to take action, even at the risk of pain or loss for the benefit of others. He gives wisdom to process information with your senses and gives courageous love to take the right action at the right time.

Interested in going deeper with Cautiousness?

This free download includes a few sample parts of a lesson. Each booklet in the comprehensive children’s curriculum contains four complete lessons. A lesson is comprised of a Bible story and questions, a memory verse, and a craft or activity. The character quality is reinforced with a corresponding hymn history and sheet music, an overview of the character quality, and suggested resources for further study. Through this study children will be encouraged to take wise action at the right time, allowing them to avoid much trouble, wasted time, and heartache.

If you have questions or would like more information about the Character Calendar or children’s curriculum, please email us at

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