Subject: Free resources for August's character focus

This month's character focus is Deference: "Limiting my freedom in order not to offend the tastes of those whom God has called me to serve"

This month, our character focus is Deference. The operational definition of deference is “limiting my freedom in order not to offend the tastes of those whom God has called me to serve.”

A person’s preferences may or may not seem important to you; however, by laying aside what you think is best and honoring their choice or desire, you are demonstrating deference. Deference communicates that you prefer others above yourself and want to be a blessing to them. “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another” (Romans 12:10).

God has made each person are different, with unique tastes, preferences, and ideas. But through His grace, you can be empowered to lay aside your comforts, desires, and freedoms so that you can show His love to others.

Here are some free resources to help your family study deference this month.

Interested in going deeper with Deference?

This is just one lesson from a more comprehensive children’s curriculum! Check out the Discretion booklet containing additional lessons with more coloring pages, activities, memory verses, and Bible stories, along with helpful resources for parents and teachers. This study will help children evaluate situations thoughtfully and respond in a way that honors the Lord, reflects Christ to others, and makes a positive impact on their futures.

If you have questions or would like more information about the Character Calendar or children's curriculum, please email us at

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