Subject: The 16th Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Ceremony broadcast live today. Join us.

Join us today for the live broadcast of The 16th Israeli-Palestinian Joint Memorial Ceremony.

Dear Friends,

It’s today! The 16th Joint Israeli-Palestinian memorial ceremony is finally here, and we are ready and waiting for you. Although the ceremony is virtual, the connections we create are all very real. We hope that wherever you are in the world, you will join us, and feel like you are a part of something special, with remarkable people, all united in a shared vision for a better future.

All the details you need to join the event, and the following Zoom meetings are found here, and all the links will become live shortly before the ceremony begins 

If you have supported the ceremony already - thank you. We honestly couldn’t make this happen without you. If you haven’t, all contributions big and small, make a huge difference. Please consider donating to this historic event.

Donate to the Memorial Ceremony

We were joined by 200,000 people last year. We are hoping for even more today, to come together in remembrance, hope, and a desire to pave a new path to peace.

     In Peace & Solidarity from Israel/Palestine,

Rana Salman

Palestinian Co-Director

Yonatan Gher

Israeli Co-Director

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