Subject: Gripping! Heart-rending! Inspiring!

Dear Friends

Together we created the largest Joint Israeli-Palestinian Peace event,

ever in history!

200'000 people around the world watched the 15th annual Joint Memorial Ceremony live on dozens of different virtual feeds and online watch-pages, and that number is still growing. On one feed alone, we had over 25,000 Palestinians watching, and soon we should have the final breakdown of figures from Israel, Palestine and internationally. This Ceremony forever changed the size and scope of the peace movement.

To everyone who participated in, watched, donated and spread the word about the Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Ceremony, THANK YOU!

If you missed the broadcast, or want to share the Ceremony with your family and friends, you can watch the recording and all kinds of different sequences on the Combatants for Peace's YouTube channel.

Watch the Recording

The live streamed Joint Memorial Ceremony was simultaneously broadcast from Tel Aviv and Ramallah and was a huge logistical challenge. We aimed to do our best. Check out our Facebook page here for some beautiful behind the scene pictures taken by Rami Ben-Ari.

And please take a few minutes to fill-out a quick survey about the Ceremony. Your feedback will help us to understand the impact of our work, expand our activism, and help us to plan next year's event.


The Ceremony received extraordinary press this year, including an article in the New York Times!

New York Times

Israelis and Palestinians Remember the Slain, Home Alone or Online En Masse



It's Frightening to Think That Any Death was in Vain

Online Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony Attracts 200,000 Viewers 


UN Envoy tells Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Ceremony, 'You're a Source of Inspiration to Us All'


Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony Gets Unprecedented Boost From U.S. Jewish Groups


The Jerusalem Post

Palestinian terror victim: Her white dress was black with grief


"Israelis, Palestinians must fight for peace as if it's COVID-19"


The Times of Israel

Bereaved families plead for reconciliation at joint Israeli-Palestinian memorial


+972 Magazine

Jewish terrorists killed his wife. Now he has a message for the world



Israelis and Palestinians mourn our losses together on Yom Hazikaron


On Yom HaZikaron Israelis and Palestinians grieve - together

Radio Télévision Suisse

Célébration israélo-palestinienne pour la paix

Radio Vaticana

Centinaia di miglialia di persone accanto ai "Combattenti per la pace"

And thank you again, to all our international partners and sponsors...

Thank you for supporting our Ceremony!

Support the Memorial Ceremony
Support the Memorial Ceremony (US tax-deductible donations)

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