Subject: Access To Water For All

Join Our Efforts To Change The Water Supply Policy In Area C, Where Palestinians Do Not Receive Enough Water From Israeli Authorities

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Dear Friends,

This isn’t an easy letter to write, but it is at times like these that we must confront the reality of oppression and occupation. There is often an uncomfortable irony in Israel and Palestine, and as Sukkot approaches, we find ourselves in a state of sadness, anger, and determination. Jews around the world will soon be gathering in makeshift shelters, surrounded by abundance and warmth. This is a stark contrast to our friends and partners living in Area C in the occupied territories, deprived of the most basic human needs - homes, security, and water.

Access to clean running water is a basic human right which most of us take for granted. Combatants for Peace activists couldn’t stand by while the village of a-Tawani, situated in the South Hebron Hills, was left to dry out. We organized for the delivery of a vat of water to a family who is denied access to running water, and has to rely on collecting rainwater to drink and bathe with. This policy, in one of the hottest, most arid landscapes on earth, is more than simply unfair, it is a method of attrition.

As a movement, we experience criticism, hate, and occasionally threats, but what we encountered on this Friday in the South Hebron Hills goes beyond what we could or should have to tolerate. Our Israeli and Palestinians activists headed out together, as always, and were confronted by extreme violence from the Israeli army. We were pelted by grenades, arrested and detained without charge, and pushed to the floor and held down by extreme force. One of our activists, Eli, is still in hospital following the unprovoked attack, others are recovering at home. The officer who threw Eli to the floor has been let off with a “censure”, demonstrating again the army’s response to violence perpetrated by their own. Below are photos and videos of what we encountered, fair warning - it isn’t easy to see, and we don’t include them to upset you, but to share what happened, and the brutal opposition to justice that we are facing. We will never become desensitized to violence, and we will not let this unlawful aggression pass by unchallenged.

As always, our message is simple - Water Access for All! We can achieve this together, and below are details of how you can get involved by emailing Israeli Ministers who can change these unjust, inhumane policies.

We do wish our Jewish supporters a peaceful Sukkot, and we ask you to take a moment to reflect on this time of harvest and plenty, and to consider those oppressed, thirsty, and kept out of sight.

In Peace & Solidarity from Israel/Palestine

Rana Salman

Palestinian Co-Director

Yonatan Gher

Israeli Co-Director

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How do different people in Area C get water?

** Send an email to Israeli ministers by clicking here **

Photos from our activists - see the reality of the occupation forces

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