Subject: "Dear Mom, I'm not sure how to say this. I think i'm gay."

September 5-7
New Price Reduction - Only $399
Key to Your Child's Heart Weekend for Mothers

Dear Mom,

"I don't know how to say this. I think I'm gay."

If that is you, do you know how to help your son or daughter? If not, you need to attend our next healing weekend for mothers of SSA/gay-identified children.

The weekend is designed for mothers of a same-sex attracted or gay-identified child. The goal is for each mother to grow personally and as a Parent/Coach, to learn how to better love and understand your struggling child, and to uncover how your own unresolved issues may be blocking your family’s path to healing.

"When I came home, I truly felt that I could see, and feel, our family situation from a
different viewpoint. It is not just our son, but all of us in need of personal growth and healing. Also, talking with the other mothers, many of us were discussing the personal issue of SSA for the first time, and it exposed the fear that had been holding us back. Many parts of my heart were revealed and now can be healed." (Testimony of a mother who attended the healing weekend).

Click here for more details

"When a child first comes out to their parents as either being gay or having same-sex attraction, their initial responses are usually the wrong ones, says Chris Doyle, a psychotherapist who specializes in SSA."

Read Christopher Doyle's Interview in the Christian Post about how parents can really help their same-sex attracted childen.

On-line Counselor Training Program
Enrolling now--starting in September

This groundbreaking Counselor Training Program is the first of its kind in the world, detailing a comprehensive approach for:
1. helping men and women who question their sexuality and/or experience unwanted same-sex attraction
2. assisting family and friends with LGBTQU loved ones.

Come and learn how to help men and women struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction experience freedom and transformation.

Facilitators: Richard Cohen, MA and Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC
Cost: $299 per person

Register Here

International Healing Foundation Files Supplemental Amicus Brief Against New Jersey's Change Therapy Ban

Earlier this week, attorney's with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), on behalf of International Healing Foundation, filed a supplemental Amicus Brief at the request of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in the Sexual Orientation Change Effort (SOCE) case (King v. Christie) to overturn New Jersey's law banning licensed counselors from providing help to minors who seek to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions.

The Court issued an order directing that a supplemental brief should be filed to address two questions: First, is 'talk therapy' the type of speech known as 'professional speech?' And second, if it is, how much protection should it have under the First Amendment?

ADF answered the question in the brief. First, 'talk therapy' is 'professional speech.' Second, it is entitled to great First Amendment protection.

Click here to read the Amicus Brief.

December 5-7
Key to Your Child's Heart Weekend for Fathers

Click here for more details

International Healing Foundation is now accepting health insurance for counseling!

If you or your family are interested in using your out-of-network benefits for counseling, please call our office for more information to see if your health insurance company participates.

Send us an email at or call 301-805-6111

10620 Crestwood Drive, Suite C, Manassas, VA 20109, United States
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