Subject: Campus News Update

Call to Prayer | Dr. Levendusky
To all IBLP staff, families, and friends,

I would like to call all of us together on Friday, October 30, at 12 o’clock noon to meet in the dining room at Big Sandy, or wherever you are located for a viewing of a special message on video. Links to watch the timely video message will be provided for staff not at Big Sandy.

I would like us as a ministry family to gather to view the video message primarily for two main purposes:
  1. To listen to this man of God share part of his testimony of the Lord’s working through the lives of His people who made prayer a priority in their Christian experience, and
  2. To be encouraged and motivated personally to pray and seek for the Lord to combat evil in the dark Halloween weekend ahead, and in the spiritual battle for the heart and soul of our nation in next week’s elections.
Following the video presentation/message, I would like for all of us to personally take time in individual prayer for seven different things:
  1. Our own walk with the Lord and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Are we where we should be in this relationship?
  2. Our family and their personal relationship with Christ.
  3. Our co-workers and the relationship that we have with them within this ministry.
  4. Our supporters, families, and constituents that we serve in whatever means or ways that IBLP or IAA ministers.
  5. Our pastors, Christian leaders, and missionaries that we know and are involved with personally.
  6. Our government officials and especially the elections on Tuesday, November 3 next week.
  7. Our world of unreached and needy people both at home and abroad who have never placed their faith in Jesus Christ.
I also want us to have a ministry-wide day of prayer and fasting on election day, Tuesday, November 3, 2020 as the voting polls are open around the nation. More details about that day’s agenda will be forthcoming, but please prepare for this to be a special day of prayer.

Let me conclude with a section of a letter from a pro-life organization that went out today:

"The appointment of Justice Barrett gives another glimmer of hope for the future of the United States, which has been on a path of rejection of God and self-destruction for at least six decades, facilitated, accelerated, and shielded by a rogue U.S. Supreme Court, and other federal and state courts. One of the most striking differences in the Judiciary Committee hearings and the full Senate debate for Barrett’s confirmation was the polar opposite views of the purpose of civil government and the judiciary.

Every Republican senator spoke about the matters that were most pertinent to the choosing of a judge or justice: clear commitment to uphold the U.S. Constitution, respect for Congress as the legislative branch authorized by the people to make laws, and judicial restraint to make decisions based on the law, and not be a “judicial activist” making decisions or policies that are the responsibility of the Executive, legislative, or other authorities.

Every Democratic senator focused on protecting abortion, homosexuality and LGBTQ, and Obamacare and health care for all; even though authorizing murder by abortion and immoral relations violate the universal Law of God, and purpose of civil government, and these matters and health care are not within the Constitutional authority of the Federal Government.

It is worth noting that 18 September 2020 was the first day of 40 days of prayer, intercession and fasting for the elections and future of the United States. By the providence of God, who determines the number of our days (Job 14:5), that was the day that Ruth Bader Ginsburg died.

On the 10th day, September 26, President Donald Trump announced his nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, and there was restraint instead of mass rioting across the nation. Why? There were three spiritually significant events that same day: (1) The Return prayer, humbling and fasting event on the Mall between the White House and Capitol Building, and (2) Franklin Graham’s Prayer rally and march, both in Washington, DC; and (3) Focus on the Family’s sanctity of human life “See Life 2020” event.

On the 40th day of this 40-day period, today, October 27, Justice Amy Coney Barrett will take her judicial oath to be seated on the U.S. Supreme Court. This is an answer to prayer, and not coincidence. Perhaps the Lord is giving us the opportunity to make course corrections to prevent our own national self-destruction, making ways for the restoration of the nation."
 Thomas W. Jacobson, Executive Director, Global Life Campaign, President, GLC Publications LLC

Sincerely in Christ,
Tim Levendusky

International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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