Subject: Campus News 10-26-20

Monday, October 26, 2020
"May the LORD make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all..." 1 Thes. 3:12
Current Events   
  • Nov 6–7—Staff/Ministry Yard Sale (Sports Complex)
  • Nov 10—Veterans Banquet (Gym) 
  • Nov 12—SFG Luncheon (Dining Room)
  • Nov 13—Operation Christmas Child Packing Party (Dining Room)
  • Nov 13–14—Pike Cadet Campout (Campground)
  • Nov 20—Unit 63 Advancement (Field House)
Early Voting
Early voting this week is at the Gilmer Civic Center, Oct. 26–30, 7 AM–7 PM. Big Sandy's Sample Ballot available here
Operation Christmas Child
We will be hosting an Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing party, Friday, November 13 at 7 PM in the Dining Room. Shoeboxes will be provided and taken to the drop off location. We'd love to fill 50 boxes. If you're interested in filling and shipping a shoe box, please visit Cost would involve gift items and $9 shipping donation to SP. If you have items that you'd like to donate for other shoeboxes, you're welcome to bring these items to Operations. Hope you can join us for this OCC packing party! Hot chocolate, cookies and Christmas music provided. 
Hunting Season
All hunters should check with Maj. Horsman for deer tags and instructions. 
Veterans Banquet
All our Armed Service Veterans, Police Officers, EMS and Fire personnel are cordially invited to our formal appreciation banquet, Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 6:30 PM. Please share with your churches and community contacts! 

Staff are welcome to attend at our regular meal rate. Please RSVP below. 
Family Camp Photos
Linked is our 2020 Family Camp Photo Album! This album is free for staff. Please keep this link private and within your immediate family. If your friends are interested in these photos as well, please have them contact us for access.

Many thanks to our photographers Sara Quinnett, Karen West, & Sam Murphy for their quality work, and Melanie Bogner who put together our slideshow and put these great photos in a shareable format!

Please note that this photo link will expire Tuesday, December 1, so please download as many of the photos as you would like by Monday, November 30.

Family Camp Messages
If you're interested, all of our Camp Meeting videos are available to borrow via thumb drive from Operations. 
Yard Sale
Please contact the Weisses ASAP if you would like to participate in the ministry yard sale, November 6–7. Be sure to include a list of any large or key items you are planning to sell as well. 
Family Camp Quilt
If you haven't signed the 2020 Family Camp Quilt yet, you can do so this Wednesday at Staff Lunch, or by stopping by the Sewing Room Wed–Fri. 
Welcome Eleyna! 
Eleyna Claire Curtis has arrived! Kenyon and Amy are thanking the Lord for a safe delivery on Friday, October 23. Eleyna weighed 7lbs 13oz and measured 19.5 inches long. Mother and baby are doing well.
Congratulations Esther & Jonathan!
Jonathan Frazer & Esther Staddon were engaged on October 18. He works as a computer programmer in Quebec, loves spending time with his nieces and nephews, playing the piano, spending time in the great outdoors, and has recently started helping with IBLP Canada. They can not wait to share the many unbelievable ways the Lord has led them together. Jonathan looks forward to meeting you all.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
We are about people, not projects. Our job as leaders is to add value to people, not just make the organization run smoother. Help yourself re-center by asking, “am I adding value to people?” Imagine if this was the mindset through which you made all of your decisions.

Pick a day this week to try it out. Every decision you make that day, first ask yourself, “am I adding value to people?" Make a mental note, or better yet, keep a tally. When are you adding value to yourself? When are you adding value to other people?

Basic Training Update | Maj. Boulden
Basic Training if officially halfway over! Thank you for all the prayers and support up to this point. This week the men will spend the entirety of this week across the lake in the Survival Training area. They will be sleeping in shelters that they construct with whatever materials they can find. The week will be full of Navigational and Medical scenarios along with survival classes. Pray that the men would stay healthy and safe while they spend this week in the woods.
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
The battalion enjoyed hearing from Nate Williams on Saturday and getting to learn from his life. Things are moving along as they should be for the middle of this quarter. Please continue to pray for intentionality in the guys and us leadership so that we will not just coast through the end of the quarter.

Salad, Toasted Italian Sandwiches, Lasagna Soup
Dinner: Salad, Chicken and Fried Rice, Egg Rolls

Lunch: Chipotle Meal (Tortillas, Rice, Beans, Marinated Chicken, Peppers and Onions, Guacamole, Salsa, Sour Cream, Cheese), Black Bean Salad
Dinner: Salad, Swedish Meatball Casserole, Green Beans, Roasted Carrots

Staff Lunch: Salad, Butternut Squash Soup, Croissant Chicken Sandwiches, Chocolate Pecan Pie Bars
Dinner: Salad, Baked Fish, Scalloped Potatoes, Broccoli, Hawaiian Rolls

Lunch: Salad, Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits
Dinner: Fruit, Scrambled Eggs, Pancake Bar, Sausage, Coffee/Juice/Hot Chocolate, Cereal/Milk

Lunch: Salad, Chili, Cheese/Onions/Sour Cream, Cornbread/Butter
Dinner: Salad, Pizza, Lemonade

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Biscuits and Gravy, Cheese Omelets, Brownie Baked Oatmeal, Cereal/Milk, Coffee/Juice
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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