Subject: Campus News Update

Ministry COVID–19 Announcement
Yesterday Governor Abbott announced, “COVID-19 is now spreading at an unacceptable rate in the State of Texas, and it must be corralled.”

He went on to say, “we have several strategies to reduce the spread without shutting Texas back down, but it is up to all of us to do our part to protect ourselves and others. We need all Texans to follow the safety protocols developed by our team of medical experts, including:
  • Staying home if you are sick or at risk
  • Sanitizing your hands
  • Social distancing (6 foot spacing)
  • Wearing face coverings or masks
“Together, we will keep Texans safe and we will keep our state open for business.”

The Governor also gave the authority back to counties and individual municipalities to order more strict measures for their local jurisdictions including once again limiting the size of outdoor gatherings of 100 or more people.

As a Christian organization and staff, we want to do all we can to help one another, our guests, and our fellow citizens to be healthy and safe and in keeping with the Scriptural mandates to honor the civil authorities God has placed over us. As you are aware, we have had experience practicing the four recommended safety protocols and have taken even additional measures on our campus to cooperate.

We have, along with the rest of the State of Texas been relaxing those measures in recent weeks, but with the Governor’s urgent request yesterday for cooperation from every Texan, we will be reintroducing safety protocols here on the campus as an expression of Christian responsibility to honor our authorities and comply with direction that does not violate our responsibilities to God.

Accordingly, we will…
  • Require staff who are sick to stay at home until they have recovered
  • Encourage staff who are particularly at risk to work from home
  • Have ample hand sanitizer available in our restrooms and at key other locations
  • Implement social distancing wherever possible in seating management
  • Require our staff to wear face masks when serving others when a 6-foot space is not possible
  • Maintain as frequent disinfecting as we can of common surfaces
But most importantly, we have the opportunity to contribute our prayers to this matter. As we learned and experienced a couple of weeks ago at our day of Prayer and Fasting, God works powerfully through the prayers of His people.

Let’s join together once again as a staff, not just during this meeting time today, but daily in praying for our civil leaders. They have very difficult job responsibilities. Pray they would seek God’s wisdom and come personally to seek Him and trust Him for guidance.

Pray for our ministry and God’s people serving Him everywhere in ministry that this would be a fruitful time for God’s Kingdom work.

Pray for God to enable us to have a ministry into the lives of more and more people and that our planned events for the rest of this year might be able to go forward.

Pray for a healing to hurts within our country and for the upcoming elections.

International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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