Subject: Campus News 4-11-22

Monday, April 11, 2022
"He is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge..." Psalm 144:2
Upcoming Events     
  • Apr 13 Birthday Lunch
  • Apr 14 Prayer and Fasting 
  • Apr 15 Good Friday Service (Behr Home, 2:30 PM) 
  • Apr 25–29 Family Conference
  • May 1–9 SF Hymn Playing Workshop
  • May 17 SFG Town Hall
  • May 18 Birthday Lunch 
  • May 27 Unit 66 Advancement
Prayer and Fasting
On Thursday, April 14, we will have a day of prayer and fasting for the opportunity to seek the Lord during this special week of remembering the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Good Friday Service
ALERT will be holding an outdoor Good Friday service (weather permitting) at Colonel Behr’s house at 2:30 on April 15. Everyone is invited, but please realize that this would not be paid time for employees, and be sure to get your supervisor’s approval if you wish to attend.
Register for Children's Programs
This year, IBLP Administration is inviting staff children to participate in Children's Programs during the April Family Conference at no charge. Please register your children online or by contacting Bethany at extension 2153. We look forward to having your children join us!
Music Courses
Spring and summer music courses are just around the corner! Staff/staff families can receive an additional 20% off. The first course of the year is the Hymn Playing Workshop, taught by Anna Ferraro, taking place the week after the Big Sandy April Family Conference. Pricing and registration can be found here; be sure to use coupon code STAFF20OFF for your 20% discount!

Course auditing options are also available for a reduced rate. If you are interested in just observing day classes, or for any other questions, contact Anna at

Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
Praise the Lord with us! After being delayed by some complications beyond his control, Liam Price passed his Private Pilot check ride this past Saturday morning. Clinical rotations for the EMT unit begin tomorrow. Each man will do seven shifts through the next several weeks, with their time split between the Christus Good Shepherd ER and Longview Fire Department’s ambulances. The Missions class is scheduled to return from their service deployment tomorrow night. Please pray for the men in training to have the right focus as the pressures of study and battalion responsibilities wear on them. Continue to pray for the leadership to have the wisdom to know how to best help these guys grow.
Basic Training Update | Maj. Boulden
Week three of Basic Training is off and running! The men will spend most of the week taking Search and Rescue classes and River Crossing and Rappeling. At the end of this week, the men will be doing the 6-Hour Hike. Please pray for them as we continue to ramp up the pressure and help "forge" these men for the Kingdom.
Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
The world changes constantly, and by extension, so do we—both as an organization and as individuals. We have to realize that we can’t do the things we used to do in quite the same way. We change positions or change programs, we can’t maintain the lifestyle we used to have. We get married or have children. These things change us and should change the way we live. None of these changes are failures. They’re simply steps in the journey. A well-lived life without calibration is unlikely and could be detrimental. Take stock of where you are. Re-calibrate. Take the next step.
Staff Fellowship Meal Details [complimentary meals of the year and monthly fellowship meal details] 

LunchSpinach Salad, Individual Pizzas
DinnerCole Slaw, Baked Fish, Sweet Potatoes, Corn Muffins

LunchSalad, Baked Burritos, Sour Cream and Salsa, Cheesy Chips
DinnerSalad, BBQ Beef Sandwiches, Baked Beans, Potato Chips

birthday LunchFruit, Sandwiches, Broccoli Potato Soup, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Ice Cream
DinnerSalad, Meatloaf, Roasted Zucchini, Rolls

LunchSalad, Chicken Thighs, Rice Pilaf, Broccoli, Challah Bread
DinnerSalad, Sausage Pasta, Garlic Bread

LunchSalad, Chick-fil-A Sandwiches, Waffle Fries
DinnerCaesar Salad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

BrunchFruit Salad, Southwestern Egg Casserole, Blueberry Pancakes
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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