Subject: Campus News 10-24-22

Monday, October 24, 2022
"...much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ." Romans 5:17
Upcoming Events      
  • Oct 26 Staff Dorm Cleaning (Dogwood, 8:30 AM)
  • Oct 27 Prayer and Fasting
  • Oct 28–29 Multi-Family Sale (Gym)
  • Nov 2 Birthday Lunch
  • Nov 4–5 Winchell Church Camping Trip 
  • Nov 8–9 DPS ALERRT Training (Classroom Bldg.)
  • Nov 10 SFG Luncheon (Dining Room) 
  • Nov 10–12 Cadet Father/Son Camping Trip
  • Nov 11–13 Shable Pony Ride (Trails, Barn)
  • Nov 11 Unit 67 Advancement
  • Nov 13 Winkler Wedding Reception (Chapel) 
  • Nov 14–15 ALERT Rope Rescue Competition 
  • Nov 15–16 DPS ALERRT Training (Classroom Bldg.)
  • Nov 15 Veterans Banquet (Gym)
  • Nov 16 Awards and Promotions 
  • Nov 18 Unit 66 Graduation
Auto Shop Notice
Mr. Kientz will be out of town through Friday, November 4. If you have vehicle needs during this time, please contact Capt. Switzer.
Prayer and Fasting | October 27
Our monthly day for prayer and seeking the Lord as a staff is scheduled for Thursday, October 27. We want to join in praying for the Lord’s intervention and mercy for many of God’s people who are facing tremendous trials, especially the homes of pastors and Christians throughout the world. Let's set this day aside for intercession for our brothers and sisters in the Lord.
Staff Dorm Cleaning
Staff Dorm Cleaning is this Wednesday, October 26 at 8:30 AM. Dr. Levendusky would like to encourage all staff and any families to participate as we prepare for Advancement. We will be meeting in front of Dogwood. Muffins and coffee provided! Please contact Michele Weiss to sign up for your favorite cleaning responsibility. Thanks for your help and support!
Wheat Family Care Package
Several families are putting together a care package specifically for the children of Caleb and Sarah Wheat during this time of their mother's cancer treatment.

If you would like to participate, contributions can be placed in the cooler on the front porch at the Waller home or in the box on the package table at the Admin. Please make your deliveries by Wednesday evening. 

Some of their favorite activities and snacks include Milky Ways, Teddy Grahams, coloring books, markers, stickers, and outdoor activities. They would also enjoy pictures and notes of encouragement, especially from the children. The names and ages of the boys are as follows: Lincoln (12), Colton (10), Nehemiah and Elijah (8, twins), Benjamin (6), Josiah (3), and Noah (1).

You're also welcome to send something cards/packages personally to Caleb Wheat, 11991 Main St, Houston, TX 77035-6300. 

If you have any other questions or if you would like to contribute money (for someone to shop for you), please contact Valerie Waller or Angie Levendusky.

Multi Family Sale
The Multi Family Sale will be Friday, Oct. 28–Saturday, Oct. 29, from 8 AM to 7 PM in the Field House Gym. If staff would like to preview the sale for any early purchases, you're welcome to pop by Thursday from 7–8 PM. Please contact the Weisses with any questions. 
Winkler's Wedding Reception
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Winkler were married on September 24 in Jacksonville, IL. They'd like to invite the campus to join them for an open-house reception at the Chapel on Sunday, November 13, from 3 to 6 pm. Please RSVP by November 7. Their registry can also be located here.
Basic Training Update | Maj. Boulden
Thank you for praying for Unit 67 on their Endurance Hike. The men did exceptionally well, and the weather was much better than expected. We completed 58 miles in 24 hours. This next week of training is known as Navigational-Medical Week or Nav-Med week. We will send the men on different scenarios to test all the skills they have learned in Basic Training. Please continue to pray that the men will stay safe throughout the week and that they will continue to hone their skills.
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
The Missions class will be doing an off-campus scenario for the first part of this week. It will be an exciting adventure that will challenge them and help develop their critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills. Please pray for safety and that they will learn lasting lessons from this experience. Tech Rescue will be focusing on vehicle and machine rescue this week. Please pray for perseverance for each man in the Battalion and that they stay mindful of the bigger reason we go through the challenges we do here at ALERT – to equip us to influence our world for Christ!
Staff Fellowship Meal Details [complimentary meals of the year and monthly fellowship meal details]

Lunch: Salad, Chili, Cornbread, S’mores Cookies
DinnerSalad, Meatloaf, Baked Potatoes, Rolls

LunchSoft Shell Tacos, Chips and Guacamole
DinnerSalad, Chicken Soup over Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits

LunchSalad, Spaghetti, Garlic Bread, Carrot Cake
DinnerSalad, Mongolian Ground Beef, Rice, Broccoli, Egg Rolls

LunchChicken Wraps, Chips
DinnerSalad, Beef Stroganoff, Peas

Lunch: Salad, Roasted Chicken, Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potatoes, Coconut Pie
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

BrunchFruit Salad, Breakfast Burritos, Blueberry Muffins, Cereal, Yogurt
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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