Subject: Ukr update & join me at real estate virtual summit Mar 22-24

Hi Friend,

First of all, thank you for continuing to support Ukraine. I got a lot of responses to my last email and it means a lot. I have a quick update below, but first on a lighter note...

I get asked a lot about the Edmonton housing market. What's the best property to buy? Where do you see things heading? I was excited when Cory Sperle approached me to be interviewed for the Canadian Real Estate Outlook - Virtual Summit! 11 experts (including myself) will be sharing their perspectives on the market, as well as what strategies they are currently using to invest. Choose to watch everyone or just the topics that interest you.

In my talk, I am sharing how we purchased 26 multifamily new build units in Edmonton, as well as about investing in the US.

The best part is each speaker has a special free giveaway for the attendees!


This is for anyone interested in buying real estate this year.

It's online, next week from March 22nd to March 24th (7pm to 9pm EST). 

Use my special link to register for FREE:

The recordings will be available afterward for a limited time.

Ukraine update

Most of our family has made it to Poland or western Ukraine (where it is slightly safer), but a cousin, his wife, and 2 year old are still in eastern Ukraine (Poltava region). They have decided to make a run for it and make the difficult journey west to join the others. It's risky to move and to stay. We are in communication daily and are helping with Canadian visa applications, which is giving them hope.

Over 2.5 million have now left the country, but those are only women, children, and the elderly, as men ages 18-60 cannot leave. Millions of split-up families. Many don't want to leave the country for this reason or don't have the means to get all the way to the border, leaving millions of internally displaced families.

Trusted unbureaucratic organization helping internally displaced people:

If you are looking for a way to help directly, I have a family member (the sister of Svitlana Pavlyk, owner of Edmonton's Svitlana's Bridal) who has decided to stay in Ukraine and help out at an orphanage. There are 150 children from 7 to 15 years old. They need pretty much everything. We are collecting funds and sending them directly through Western Union once per week. E-transfer to and say that it is "Donation for Orphanage in Ukraine" before hitting send button.

Thank you,


Zorya Belanger, P.Eng.

Asset Manager

BREI Properties

Edmonton, Alberta
