Subject: This weekend's workshop will be wonderful!

Movement & Massage for Breast Health...
Does it apply to you?
Clearly, this email is intended for only some of you, so if you don't have breasts, please feel free to carry on with your day!

But maybe it does apply and you don't know it yet!

There have been questions about this workshop, and since it happens this weekend and I think it's going to be AMAZING, I thought I would answer them for everyone!

I don't have breast health issues, do I need this workshop?
   This session is not intended specifically for those dealing with current health issues. It is planned as a way to explore movement and self-massage strategies to support ongoing health to these important tissues!

Is anyone going to be touching me? Not super happy about that idea...
   No, this is a hands-off event, unless you specifically ask Krisha or Kim for direction. They will be demonstrating and helping you find the best ways to get this massage to work for you, but nothing invasive!

Are we taking out tops off? I'm not comfortable with that!
   No, this is a firmly all-clothes-can-stay-on event! It's up to you! And the windows to the studio will be covered over for privacy.

Is this about doing a self breast exam? My doctor already showed me how to do that.
   No, this is about using movement and massage to stimulate circulation and lymphatic drainage for optimising the health of the tissues (muscle, skin, fascia, circulatory system) around the breast area.

Seriously, you can't exercise your breasts!
   No, you can't. But you can absolutely exercise the muscles that surround them in ways that help to offset tensions and weaknesses that affect them!

Is lymphatic drainage really a thing?
   Yes! And the technique for this is totally different from a traditional massage.

It's all lovely and will feel fantastic, I promise!

I've been working on the movement part all week and my chest, shoulders, back and neck feel great. Coincidence? I think not!

Come and spend an afternoon learning a new way to add to your self-care, mantain your health AND have beautiful chest and shoulder muscles. How can you resist??

It's all happening from 2-4:30 on Saturday and you can totally snag a spot!
Click here... you won't regret it  (scroll down past the online course to see the info)

See you soon!
xo Alison
Boomerang Pilates and Wellness, 240 Roncesvalles Ave, M6R 2L8, Toronto, Canada
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