Subject: Why Getting Lean is "EASY"... But Staying Lean is "HARD"... 😖

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Have you ever went on a diet and lost some weight... But for some reason you got off track and ended up regaining it all back again?

If so, you're not alone - I've done this myself for 16 years!

Back when I was a competitive bodybuilder I would go on extreme pre-contest cutting diets, lose the fat, get ripped, and compete on stage...

But it was always short lived - within a few weeks after the show I'd be back to square one, fatter than ever, because I couldn't control myself and I'd end up binge eating on all the junk food I was craving while following my "cutting diet".

I'd re-gain all the weight I lost and then try to justify it by telling everyone that I was "Bulking Up" because it's the off-season...

Even for regular folks who go on fat loss diets, it's very common to lose weight - over the short term... But 92% of people who lose weight, end up re-gaining all the weight back again - and usually a few pounds more.

(NOTE: I was part of that 92% statistic so I know this all too well)

One of the reasons for this is most guys who follow extreme low calorie "cutting diets" end up losing lean muscle in the process. And this becomes even more of an issue the older you get, as your body naturally starts to lose lean muscle with age.

With less muscle on your frame, your metabolism slows down, and it makes it easier to get fatter again in the future... This is why a lot of guys end up "skinny fat" after following a cutting program.

But there is another reason why most guys fail to achieve lasting results over the long term. And most personal trainers, coaches, and mainstream fitness programs don't even acknowledge this "Missing Link" to fat loss success.

Even if you were to nail down the perfect workout program, ate the right ratios of protein, carbs, and fat - with the exact calorie count for your body type, and had your meal timing nailed down, took all the right supplements, etc...

There's still a 92% chance that you'll end up re-gaining all the bodyfat you lose and sabotaging your success... Unless you master this "Missing Link"!

Would you like to know why this is, and how you can prevent rebound weight gain from ever happening again?

If so, then check out the video that I did yesterday on my personal Facebook page below...

In this video I explain why most people end up sabotaging their success and how you can use this "Missing Link" to master your metabolism, and get lean. But more importantly - stay lean for life!
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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