Subject: The Bigger Bench Press Checklist << FREE Today ONLY

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

I hope you had a chance to check out the DUP Muscle Building & Strength Training system that I e-mailed you about earlier. This program was strategically developed to get you STRONGER in less time and without ever hitting a plateau.

More than 1,500 people have already grabbed their copy of this killer strength program, but just in case you still haven’t grabbed yours yet, Jason and Mike have just decided to add in a fast-action bonus that makes investing in the system even more of a no-brainer:

The Bigger Bench Press Checklist <<--Click Here to get it for FREE!
Have you ever wanted to increase your bench press?

Maybe hit 2, 3, or even 4 plates a side?

Then you need to know two things:

1. The "Gear" you need for a bigger bench.
(This includes all your equipment, clothing, and tools.)

2. The "Execution"
(The key cues you need to remember, how to train, and the technique pointers that will help you crush your next session or PR attempt.)

The good news is that Jason and Mike have created a checklist that covers the two points above.

It's called "Bigger Bench Press Checklist"

And when you pick up the DUP Muscle Building & Strength Training system at $70 off before midnight tonight, they are going to GIVE you this program for FREE

The deal really doesn't get any better than that. So why wait?

The sooner you get your hands on this material, the sooner you start reaping the benefits of a bigger bench press and bigger chest.

Grab it now:

all the best,
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

Follow Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding on:



You may be wondering what the heck is Daily Undulating Periodization (DUP), well let me tell you a quick story. In the 1950s and 1960s, the Eastern Europeans were, by far, the best weightlifters in the world.

Sure, they had just started using drugs in the sport, but they were also using high-frequency training (similar to DUP)...
They were training the same lifts 3-6 times per week.


No way.  They got really strong, really fast. DUP is systemized approach to high frequency training. It takes what works, and throws out what doesn't.

Click Here start using DUP in your own workouts!

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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