Subject: Never Do This When Starting A New Fat Loss Diet Plan ❌

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

This time of year a lot of people are jumping on the New Year's Resolution dieting bandwagon trying to lose weight and cancel out all their holiday indulgences and accompanying weight gain.

But there's one very common dieting mistake that most people make that literally sets them back before they even get started cutting their calories and starting their fat loss diet...

I'm willing to bet you done this yourself if you've ever followed a diet before - and it's literally like taking 2 steps back before you even take 1 step forward.

I've been guilty of making this mistake myself so many times in the past and that's why I want to share it with you here so you can avoid making this diet mistake for yourself.

Never Do This When Starting A New Fat Loss Diet Plan ❌
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)


If you have fallen off the bandwagon, packed on a few extra pounds of stubborn belly fat over the holidays, and would like to lose that gut — then I might be able to help…

This weekend I'm planning on doing another FREE 5 Day “Lose Your Gut Challenge” to help you KICK OFF 2024 on the right track

So you can escape the yo-yo dieting trap & master your metabolism 🔥

So you can get on the right track to optimize your health and fitness 💪

NO Fluff… NO Hype… NO Selling Supplements… or any other rubbish…

Just me pulling back the curtain and showing you EXACTLY what has worked for me and my VIP coaching students who have achieved amazing health, fitness, and fat loss transformations!

It’s simply 5 Days of virtual fitness and nutrition coaching that will arm you with the skills, knowledge, and strategies to help you realize your fitness and fat loss goals this year.

And more importantly – show you how to maintain your results for life!

If you'd like to join the challenge, just visit my website at:

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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