Subject: How To Get Ripped Without Counting Calories

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Heads Up - This is a long e-mail, but if you take a few minutes and actually read it - this will be a NUTRITION GAME CHANGER... The information contained here will make eating for fat loss & muscle gain so much easier to follow.

Hey Friend,

You already know that to lose weight you must eat less calories than you burn in order to create a calorie deficit...

The idea of calories in vs. calories out is as old as dirt and it's the foundation to every diet plan in the world.

If you don't create a calorie deficit - either by eating less and / or burning more - you're not going to lose weight - Period!

To help you with this, you can count your calories, and that does work when you do it properly and consistently.

But that's where the problem lies...
Because most people have very little discipline when it comes to dieting and calorie tracking.

And the biggest problem with "dieting" is when you stop eating before you're satisfied, it goes totally against your body's natural appetite sensations.

No body likes to leave the table still feeling hungry... ("Hangry")

But there is a sneaky trick that I'm going to share with you in this e-mail, that will allow you to manipulate your appetite, and thus control your caloric intake - automatically!

By doing this you'll be able to leave the table feeling comfortably full and satisfied after each meal. You'll keep your calories in check without being a slave to weighing, measuring, and counting every fork-full of food you put in your mouth.

You see there is so much more involved with eating than just consuming calories and macro nutrients - protein, carbs, and fats.

We eat meals that consist of real food. And what do we enjoy the most about eating?

The taste of the food we eat, specifically the variety of different tastes. In fact, our appetite can be triggered or suppressed just by changing the taste of the foods you eat, regardless of calories!

Let me give you an example that you'll be able to relate to...

There's Always Room For Dessert!

Think of the last time you had a home cooked family dinner. You snacked on the appetizers before the meal, stuffed yourself on the main course, went back for second helpings, and then sat back feeling like you couldn't possibly eat another bite.

But a few minutes later you hear someone call out and say...

"Who'd Like Some Dessert?"
There's Always Room For Dessert!
For some crazy reason, even though just minutes earlier you just felt too full to eat another bite of the main course foods (i.e. meat, potatoes, veggies, etc.) Your appetite has all of a sudden been triggered again to desire some sweet tasting dessert.

This happens all the time, we always have room for dessert, regardless of how much food we've eaten during the main meal. You can literally go from feeling full, to feeling hungry all over again with the introduction of a new taste of food.

The 5 Basic Tastes...
The 5 Basic Tastes...
Sweetness - Sweetness is regarded as a pleasurable sensation and is produced by the presence of sugars. This can include natural sugars from fruit, honey, and maple syrup as well as processed foods that are high in sugar.

Sourness - Sourness is the taste that detects acidity. Sour fruit such as lemon, grapefruit, and limes. The taste of wine and beer. As well as the taste of fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut.

Saltiness - Saltiness is a taste produced primarily by the presence of sodium (i.e. salt).

Bitterness - Bitterness is the most sensitive of the tastes, and many perceive it as unpleasant, sharp, or disagreeable, but it is sometimes desirable and intentionally added to food. Examples include; coffee, dark chocolate, olives, citrus peel, and alcohol.

Savoriness - Savory, or savoriness is an appetite taste and is occasionally described by its Japanese name, umami or meaty. This is the taste of meat, fish, chicken, etc. The amino acid glutamic acid is responsible for savoriness.

There are a host of other various flavors and taste sensations as well, such as; spiciness or hotness, coolness, fatty, starchy, temperature, etc. These things all affect the flavor and taste of the food you eat.

Take Home Message: Your Appetite Is Based On Taste - Not Fullness!

Your appetite, isn't based on eating a certain number of calories or a certain food volume, but rather from the taste of the foods you eat. When you feel "full" after eating, what's really happening is you have satisfied your desire to eat the taste of that particular food. But if you introduce a new taste, you stimulate your appetite all over again.

This is why you can eat until you're "stuffed" with chicken, rice, and broccoli - but then easily find room to eat a piece of pie or bowl of ice cream for dessert. Or sit down in front of the TV after dinner and eat a bag of salty potato chips.

Now that you're more aware of how the taste of food can simulate or suppress your appetite. You can make better food choices to help meet your dietary goals for calories, protein, carbs, and fat intake.

How To Eat For Fat Loss - (i.e. Losing Weight)

If your goal is fat loss and reducing calories. Then plan your meals with fewer food choices. Rather than having a buffet style meal where you can pick and choose from multiple different foods and tastes, each of which will stimulate your appetite more and more. Keep your meal menu simple. One source of protein, one source of complex carbs, and one source of vegetable.

Now you can vary your foods with different meals. For example, one meal may include chicken, rice, and broccoli. Another meal may include steak, garden salad, and sweet potato. And another meal may include some sweet tasting foods such as a fruit smoothie with protein powder. But separate them and don't combine too many different flavor foods into one meal. This will satisfy your appetite more with less food, because you can only eat so much of one type of food before you get "full" from the taste and texture of that food.

How To Eat For Bulking Up - (i.e. Gaining Weight)

If your goal is to bulk up and gain muscular body weight. Then you should take the opposite approach and include a wide variety of different foods with your meals. This will make it easier to increase your calorie consumption without feeling overfull and stuffed.

For example, have a couple different sources of protein (i.e. steak and eggs), have a couple different carb sources (i.e. pasta and bread), have a couple different veggie sources (i.e. peas and carrots). Include a healthy dessert such as fruit and yogurt. You can even experiment with different seasoning, sauces, and spices to further enhance the taste and flavor of your food to make it desirable to eat more.

By having more food variety with your meals, you'll naturally want to eat more total food because even though you may satisfy your appetite for the taste of one particular food, you'll stimulate your appetite again with the introduction of a taste of another food.


Simply knowing how many calories, protein, carbs, and fat to eat to meet your personal fitness goals is one thing. But finding easy and practical ways to make them fit into your daily lifestyle without having to rely on grit and will power is the key to long term dieting success.

If you don't enjoy the way you eat and get eating satisfaction from your meals, then you're not going to stick with it for the long term.

Anyone can muster up some discipline and will power to "DIET" for the short term. Just think of how many people you know who lost weight... But then 6 months or a year later, they are back to square one, having regained all the weight they lost, and usually a few pounds more.

(If you're reading this, chances are you've probably done this yourself at some point).
Before - After - and After That...
Will power alone can only take you so far. Eventually you'll run out of will power and you'll resort back to your default habits.

That's why most people who go on a strict diet end up quitting and giving up once they reach their limit of will power and self discipline. It's a vicious cycle that millions of people go through again and again.

But if you understand exactly how your body works, and learn how to reprogram your default eating habits, you can set yourself up to win by not only losing weight... But more importantly – keeping it off for life!

These tips here about manipulating your food choices to get more eating satisfaction from your meals is just one of many advanced strategies that you can apply to your nutrition program.

If you would like some help with creating the optimal exercise and nutrition plan to reach your muscle building and fat loss goals, than sign up for a Free Stratagey Session Call with me and we can brainstorm some ideas and action plans that are right for you.

I've been doing this for over 29 years, and have coached literally thousands of people during that time. So, there's a good chance that I maybe able to help you reach your fitness and fat loss goals...

Just click on the link below to book in for a Free 10-Minute Strategy Session Call.

Book Your Call with Lee Now at:
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

I help guys over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape!

If that's you, then I might be able to help... If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just visit my website -
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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