Subject: Heavy Weights for Bulking & Light Weights for Cutting

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

One of the biggest misconceptions about weight training is that:

"Heavy Weights & Low Reps Are For Bulking"
"Light Weights & High Reps Are For Cutting"

I can remember hearing all the coaches and gym teachers preaching this back in early 1990's when I first started lifting weights, and I'm sure this myth is probably as old as the barbell itself.

But it is utter BS…

The amount of weight you lift and the number of times you lift it has absolutely no impact what so ever on whether you gain weight or lose weight.

Regardless if you are lifting heavy weights, light weights, or no weights - It's the food you eat that will determine if you "BULK" or "CUT".

If you eat a caloric surplus, you'll gain weight.

If you eat a caloric deficit, you'll lose weight. It's as simple as that.

A prime example of this can bee seen with competitive powerlifters and weightlifters who sometimes follow a low calorie diet to cut weight so they can compete in a lighter weight class.
The pic here is of champion weightlifter - Lu Xiaojun from China. As you can see he is lifting very heavy weights and is absolutely ripped without an ounce of bodyfat on his frame.

It just goes to show that you can lift heavy and still get cut!

By lifting heavy and building muscle you'll increase your metabolic rate. The more lean muscle you have on your body, the more calories you'll burn throughout the day - even while you are resting!

In addition to that, doing hard and heavy weight training workouts burn A LOT of calories. In fact, you'll burn more total calories from a hard heavy weight training workout than you will by lifting lighter weights for higher reps.

When you train hard and intense you'll break down your muscle tissue. And it takes approximately 72 hours after hard workout for the muscles to fully recover.

During that recovery time your metabolism remains elevated and your body will burn fat at a faster than normal rate.

With hard heavy weight training workouts you are literally building muscle while burning body fat at the SAME TIME. This will help you to develop a leaner and harder physique, which is what we are all after!

If you'd like some help with planning out a proper workout and nutrition plan to get big and ripped - just visit my website at the link below and book a 10-minute strategy session call and together we'll plan out a realistic action plan that's right for you...

Would You Like Some Help Building Muscle & Losing Fat?

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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