Subject: Have your cake and eat it too 🍰😋

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hi Friend,

Yesterday was my son Harvey's 3rd Birthday Party, and to celebrate we all enjoyed some pizza, sandwiches and of course - birthday cake...

I'll admit that I ate in rather generous portion sizes, and not a single calorie or macro was counted.

And guess what, even after eating all that... I woke up this morning weighing 1 pound lighter than my previous check-in... Crazy!
Living A Lean Lifestyle...
I'm happy to say that I've been able to maintain visible abdominal definition and feel comfortable about taking my shirt off for over a year now...

And the best part is I'm able to maintain this with:
- NO "Extreme Dieting"
- NO "Cutting"
- NO "Crazy Workouts"

By using the Muscle After 40 Blueprint I've finally mastered a realistic system of eating and exercise that allows me to enjoy myself while still getting leaner.

I'm in the gym 3 days per week tops, I get to eat foods I enjoy.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's "easy" and you can eat like sh!t and just sit on your a$$ all day and get ripped...

Getting in shape still requires effort on your part...There's no way around that.

But once you know how to master your metabolism and work with your body - NOT against it, you can literally lose the fat and keep it off for life without extreme dieting or spending endless hours in the gym.

Once you get it, you can actually make fitness fun and enjoyable again, imagine that...

If you'd like to find out how to live a lean lifestyle for yourself... Just reply to this e-mail with a hashtag #livinglean in the body of the e-mail.

If there's enough interest, I'll create a special video training series breaking down my entire system step-by-step.
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

Download the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Workout App - Click Here

Muscle After 40 Blueprint - Click Here

Get Big with Old School Bulking 101 - Click Here

Wanna Get Personally Coached By Lee
? - Click Here
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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