Subject: Find Your Why

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Why do you want to build muscle, lose fat & get in better shape?

Most people who watch my videos, read my e-mails, and follow me through social media are looking for "How To" information...

They want to know how to workout to get bigger and stronger. many sets, how many reps, what workout split to follow, etc.

They want to know how to eat to lose bellyfat and get visible abs. many calories, how much protein, carbs, fat, the best meal plan, etc.

They want to know what supplements to take.
...should I take protein, creatine, BCAA's, pre-workouts, fish oils, etc.

Now there is nothing wrong with wanting to know all the "How To" stuff, and that is very important.

But there is something that's even more important, and that's your WHY?

WHY do you want to fill out your frame with muscular bodyweight?

WHY do you want to get stronger?

WHY do you want to lose fat and get lean?

If you don't have a strong enough reason WHY you want to achieve your goals... Than you're never going to achieve them.

You could have the best workout programs, have the best diet plans, take the best supplements, hire the best trainers, workout at the best gyms...

But if you don't have a strong enough reason WHY getting in your best physical shape is a priority for you, then you'll never do it, or at least not to your full potential.

What Is YOUR Why?

Today at 3:30 pm EST I'm going to be hosting my weekly Live Streaming Video Chat on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube channel...

And during the chat I'm going to dive deep into this topic and help you uncover your reasons for Why You Need To Take Action And Get In Shape NOW.

Your life is too short to keep putting this off.

The lives of your loved ones is too important for you to not be at your best.

So Friend if you're one of those guys who "Knows What Do To", but for whatever reason, you just can't get yourself to follow through and actually DO IT...

Than you need to join me at 3:30 pm EST today...
Live Video Q and A Replay

(Join me today @ 3:30 pm EST - Friday September 21st)
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

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Get Ripped with the Extreme Fat Loss Program - Click Here

Increase your Bench Press with the Blast Your Bench Program - Click Here

Customized Diet & Training Programs - Click Here

Get Big with Old School Bulking 101 - Click Here
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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