Subject: Checking in on your progress

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

We are 110 days into 2019... Are you on track towards reaching your muscle building and fat loss goals that you set out for yourself back in January?

Are you sticking to your workout routine and nutrition plan like you said you would?

Are you in better shape physically with more strength and energy than you had a few months ago?

When you take your shirt off and look in the mirror are you happy with what you see?

Maybe you've made some good progress in certain areas of your life, but not in others.

It's very common to see guys in their 30's, 40's, 50's and beyond place a lot of focus on their careers, families, hobbies, etc. But then let their health and fitness suffer in the process.

Most guys that I talk to say that they'll get around to taking care of their health and fitness later on when they have "more time"...

But here's the truth... you will NEVER be ready...

And if you're waiting for the "perfect time" to get started - it will never happen.

There will always be challenges and obstacles and you’ll always be "too busy".

If you wait for the perfect time - you'll never get started.

And unfortunately we don't always get the luxury of a second chance... With the rise of obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, etc. I've seen the devastation of a family man leaving God's green earth well before his time because he neglected his health and fitness - and I know you have too...

The simple answer is to just start now!

You don't have to be perfect to make progress. Even giving it a half ass 50% effort is better then no effort at all.

If you're serious about making a change - building muscle, losing your gut, and improving your health and fitness - You need to begin your journey sooner rather than later.

You'll never be as young as you are right now. Things don't get any easier as you get older. If you keep putting it off you're only going to live a life of shame and regret.

And it doesn't matter where you're starting from today... Progress is always possible!

If you'd like some help with getting the ball rolling with a customized program, then just check out the Muscle After 40 Blueprint.

This is a 12 month physique transformation system designed for Men Over 40 who want to "Start Over" for the last time and finally claim the gains you deserve... without punishing your body in the process.

Just click on the link below for all the details...

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

If what you've been doing up until this point hasn't worked, then continuing to wait longer isn't going to make it any better. You can keep searching for the next fad diet or fitness gimmick... But you're just getting left behind.

Nothing is going to change until you make a change. And if you're not sure if you need help, then take your shirt off have a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are truly happy with what you see?

If you start now, by this time next year you could be looking at a stronger, healthier, and leaner version of you in the mirror. But if you keep putting it off, things are only going to get worse... The choice is yours so choose wisely...

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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