Subject: 3 reasons you can't build muscle

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Have you ever suffered from nagging injuries?

Testosterone burnout?

Or maybe you've felt like a circus clown juggling your family, career, and fitness goals?

If you said "yes" to any of these... welcome to the club.

I've been there and done that... which led me to falling on my face trying to build muscle.

These are the top 3 reasons most men struggle to add inches to their frame and achieve the rock-hard physique they desire.

And below I'll show you how to avoid each one of these muscle-gaining pitfalls...

Reason #1: Injuries

The heavier weights you lift... the higher your risk of injury. Period.

It doesn't matter if you have good form...

The chances of you tearing a muscle or doing severe damage to your joints and spine increases dramatically.

And get this... according to last year's National Injury Surveillance Database, nearly 300,000 men in the U.S. alone were rushed to the emergency room from a weight-lifting related accident.

This doesn't include the injuries that occur overtime... which are often self-caused from forcing your body under tons of heavy poundages for the sake of "gaining muscle".

Well... you can pack on slabs of mass WITHOUT increasing your injury risk or placing your body under heavy loads of pressure that more often does more harm than good.

The secret?

Muscle fiber activation. That's it.

The more muscles you can activate in 1 set... the bigger your growth response will be. It's that simple.

And instead of using heavy poundages...

You can use moderate-weight with high-fatigue methods to build muscle AND burn fat while you strengthen your joints at the same time.

My friend Steve calls these sets... STX sets... or slow twitch Xhaustion sets. You can learn more about STX sets here.

Reason #2 you can't build muscle... Low Testosterone.

After turning 30 your testosterone levels begin to drop AT LEAST 1% every year.

You can't hide from it. It's like a ticking time-bomb on your male biology. It's going to happen.

Yet most guys are unknowingly speeding up the process... and sabotaging their t-levels for the sake of a "good workout."

In reality, you're overtraining your body. And causing cortisol levels to rise...

Dragging down your testosterone even more and causing muscle loss and weakness.

Unless you're on roids or a teen with hormones raging through his bloodstream... long workouts and exercising 4-7 days per week is only going to make you look and feel weaker.

Maybe not right away... however, over time the barrage of training on your body will catch up to you.

Like a lion chasing a zebra...

Eventually your male hormones will wear down and any chance you had of building a jaw-dropping and muscular body will be devoured.

Because according to a recent study... men with lower testosterone levels experience "accelerated muscle wasting."

Basically... you lose muscle instead of gain it. And any muscle you currently have... you have to fight tooth and nail to hold onto it.

However, it doesn't have to be this way...

Seriously... that's it.

Reason #3: Priority Puzzle

Priorities change as you get older.

No question there.

Which makes it challenging to balance your work, personal life, and fitness goals...

Especially if you're following a routine that requires you to be at the gym 4+ days a week.

As a result... you end up skipping workouts. Losing motivation and self-belief. And throwing in the towel on your physique goals altogether.

Why do you think the gym is packed on New Year's day with ambitious folks trying to get in shape... yet a few months, sometimes weeks later, the gym is a ghost town?

It's because they believed the lie. And think you have to "do more" to see results.

Eventually you can't sustain the demanding schedule of work, the gym, your relationships, and social life... and quit on your dream body.

Here's the truth...

Leading muscle-scientist, Brad Schoenfeld PhD discovered the best training frequency for muscle growth is 3-days per week.

That's it.

Yet it's not your typical bodybuilding style workout that gets you the best results...

Instead, it's 3 full body workouts per week that unleash the MAXIMUM amount of muscle gains... in the shortest time possible.

If you can overcome these 3 muscle-building roadblocks... (which is easier than you may imagine)...

Your gains will explode through the roof... and you'll enjoy explosions of anabolic hormones so powerful, you'll feel like you hit a second puberty (no joke).

You can learn more in the link below:

all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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