Subject: 3 Deep Thinking Questions❓

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

If you're really honest with yourself, there are some areas in your life that you'd like to change or improve...

I haven't met anyone yet who is 100% satisfied with everything in their life. Having that burning desire to improve and grow as a person is healthy and normal.

Maybe you want to improve your health & fitness, your body weight, your relationships, your finances, or some other personal goal.

What ever it is... One of the best ways to go from where you are now - to where you want to be - is to take some time to ask yourself these 3 deep thinking questions.

You'll want to grab a pen and paper for this and take some notes.

This exercise is so simple, yet very powerful, and will help you get clear on what you need to do in order to reach your ultimate goals.

You ready to do this?

OK, let’s go...

Question # 1: What is your current situation right now?

If we're talking about your physical fitness; what is your body weight, body fat percentage, pant size, strength, endurance, etc ?

If it's your health; what's your cholesterol, your blood pressure, your blood sugar, etc ?

If it's your finances; how much money are you currently making, how much do you have in savings, have in investments, etc ?


Question # 2: Where would you like to be?

How much would you like to weigh? What body fat percentage do you want to be? What size pants would you like to fit into? How strong do you want to be?

How much money do you want to make? How much do you want to have in savings?

Would you like to get in a relationship (or out of one)? Do you want to get married (or divorced)? Be specific...


Question # 3: What obstacles are holding you back from getting to where you want to be?

Why aren't you at the weight you want to be? Why aren't you making as much money as you'd like? Why don't you have the relationship that you want? etc...


These 3 questions will give you clarity. And more clarity equals more power.

Because if you know your current situation, and where you'd like to be in the future, and you know what's preventing you from getting there - then it's just a matter of taking action to remove the obstacles or find a way around them.

When you fully grasp this concept, it's literally life changing...

In my case, I've struggled with my weight my entire life. I've got endomorphic tendencies and I'm NOT a naturally lean person. If I get slack with my training and nutrition - I pile on bodyfat very easily.

This was my main driving force to enter bodybuilding competitions from 1995 to 2011. I'd use competitions as a motivating factor to push me to get lean.

But the problem was that as soon as the competition was over, I'd lose my motivation, let myself go, and my weight would balloon back up... Then I'd have to start the process all over again for next year's competition.

And when I stopped competing in bodybuilding to focus on starting a family, things just kept getting worse. Eventually causing my waistline to stretch the tape to over 40 inches!

Here's the answers to my 3 questions that I was struggling with not too long ago...

Question # 1: What is my current situation right now?
I am 20+ pounds overweight, I'm out of shape, and I feel embarrassed about how my body looks.

Question # 2: Where would I like to be?

I'd like to be 20 pounds leaner, physically stronger, feel more confident, and look like a guy who actually lifts... I don't want to be known as someone who used to be in shape 'back in the day'... I want to be in good shape now!

Question # 3: What obstacles are holding me back from getting to where I want to be?

Whenever I try to go on a fat loss diet I always feel hungry, deprived, and irritable... And then I end up quitting the diet in frustration and re-gaining the weight that I lost.

After pondering my answers I realized what was missing...

I needed to find a system that would allow me to get in shape - and more importantly - stay in shape over the long term, without going to the extremes of dieting like I did when competing in bodybuilding competitions.

And that's when I realized the obstacles stopping me from getting to where I wanted to be was feeling hungry, deprived, and irritable whenever I'd start "dieting".

I didn't realize it at the time, but back in my competitive bodybuilding days I followed an "All OR Nothing" approach to my diet and training.

Either I was all in 110% or I wasn't in at all - there was no in between.

And I've found out the hard way, through trial and error, that this "All OR Nothing" approach is the BIGGEST mistake holding most guys back from reaching their health and fitness goals.

Once I found a system that allowed me to make progress without torturing myself and feeling deprived, I was able to lose my excess weight and keep it off. And it's actually a lot easier and doesn't take as much time as you'd think.

Back in my bodybuilding competition days I'd be in the gym 6 days per week, 2+ hours per day, while starving myself on a crazy low carb / low calorie diet...

Now don't get me wrong, that hardcore approach does work, and you can get absolutely ripped by following it... But it's not sustainable.

Eventually you're going to have to go back to living a somewhat "normal" life again, and this is where most guys lose it, balloon up, and re-gain all their weight back again.

These days I'm following a much more maintainable system. One that allows me to hit the gym 3 days per week tops, while enjoying big satisfying healthy meals in the process. It's awesome because I don't suffer from feeling hunger, deprivation, or irritation that I did while bodybuilding.

Friend the next step now is to write out your answers to the 3 questions and see what's holding you back from reaching your goals.

You'll be amazed at the clarity you get from writing your answers down on paper.

After you do this exercise, reply back and let me know your answers. And if you're up for it, I'll help you turn them into an action plan for getting the results you want.

all the best,

Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)


If you are struggling with losing fat and getting in shape and would like to learn more about the system that I personally used to get back in shape without killing myself in the gym or following a starvation diet, just check out the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program here.

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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