Subject: ⇒ Let's fix your physique together

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and confused with all the fitness & nutrition information that's available these days?

Right now there are over 200,000+ diet books on amazon and every other week we're seeing a new diet documentary popping up on Netflix.

We are literally bombarded with different diet and exercise programs, and rather than helping, it's creating even more confusion and frustration.

How did the concept of eating right and exercising become so darn confusing?

Would you like some help cutting through all the hype & confusion, and finally figure out a realistic solution that works for YOU?

Imagine having a customized workout and meal plan that is professionally made for your body type, your lifestyle, your likes & dislikes, and your individual fitness goals...

No more second guessing and doubting if you are doing the right things or not...

But rather following a proven system with 100% confidence knowing that your results are guaranteed...

>> Let's Fix Your Physique Together!

My Total Fitness Bodybuilding website has been online and helping people build better bodies since 1999. Those who follow what I teach get great results. But those who take the NEXT step and sign up for personalized coaching - well, they're the people getting extraordinary results!

Not just because they are using the very best "cutting-edge" training and nutritional strategies, but they know that there is a helping hand, day-in and day-out to guide them along the way.

When you sign up for a customized fitness and nutrition coaching program I'm literally going to guide you through the process of reaching your personal bodybuilding and fitness goals in real time.

Whether that's to Build Muscle & Lose Fat - Trim Down for a Beach Vacation - Or Go All The Way and Get Into Ripped Contest Shape!

I offer 3 different levels of coaching to accommodate your individual needs and budget.

Just click on the link below for more information about how you can get started with your very own customized physique transformation program...

>> Let's Fix Your Physique Together!
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

If you've read this far, than you're probably interested in my online coaching, but you aren't sure if it's right for you.

It's totally normal to have questions and doubts and that's why I invite you to join me for a FREE 20-minute one-on-one phone call (or skype chat) where we can privately discuss your situation, your fitness goals, and the challenges that you feel are holding you back.

During our phone call (or skype chat) you'll get your questions answered and we'll discuss some realistic strategies for how you can start making progress towards your muscle building and fat loss goals.

This initial consultation is absolutely FREE, there's no strings attached, and no obligation on your part. It's just an opportunity for us to get to know each other better and see which one of my online coaching programs is best for you and your fitness goals. Click Here for more info.
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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