Subject: You don't need willpower to need THIS...

Honestly, it's discipline that you need, NOT willpower.

This guest article from my friend and colleague, Chad Howse, will explain more...


Hey it’s Chad here,

A decade ago I had no money.

Actually, less than no money.

I was in debt. I couldn’t pay rent on time. I got out of shape for the first time in my life. Rather than searching for a ‘get rich quick’ product or even a workout to get me in shape, I focused on developing discipline. Nothing else, just creating the habits that the ‘rich, ripped, and successful’ version of me would have to develop.

Discipline, however, rarely endures when it’s dependent on willpower.

Just like your ideal body can’t be built with motivation alone, discipline needs a process, a plan, and strategy if it’s going to exist forever.

That’s what I focused on. I devoured every book I could possibly find on the subject, from theory and philosophy, to solid scientific evidence of what works.

I read about great historical figures, guys I wanted to emulate, and realized that it wasn’t talent or willpower or motivation that made them great, it was discipline.

I got on a routine. I became the same man every day rather than the guy with no money who depended on inspiration to write content and create products.

To be honest, it didn’t take long to turn things around.

After a few months of my discipline program I began to make more money and my body began to change in front of my eyes.

Here’s a secret that marketers don’t want to tell you: the program doesn’t matter as much as your discipline in following any program.

Discipline makes transformations. Inspiration makes losers.

I’m still a work in progress and I always will be, but the freedom I have today from stress, from a boss breathing down my neck, and the freedom to travel the world, buy a house, and live life on my own terms isn’t due to intelligence.

I owe it all to discipline. And the more discipline I develop, the more freedom I have in my life.

That’s the greatest misconception about discipline…

… That it’s confining, when in reality it’s liberating.

The discipline to work every single day at the same time allowed me to earn more without relying on inspiration. The discipline to not spend money on things I didn’t need enabled me to save more, which enabled me to travel the world and eventually buy a house.

I’m not a naturally disciplined guy.

I need a program to follow, some kind of daily guidance that gives me clarity on what I need to follow, do, and where my attention needs to be focused.

I’m guessing you’re the same.

In fact, I’ve never met a ‘naturally disciplined person’ in my life.

Everyone I know who’s killing it, struggles. They all struggle. Theodore Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and even Napoleon Bonaparte struggled mightily to be the disciplined men that would develop greatness.

And without a plan, you’re kinda outta luck (or at least I am).

That’s why I created The Lost Art of Discipline.

I get emails everyday from guys struggling to stick to workouts or to get off porn or to be the man they know they have potential to become.

... the solution isn’t a new program. It’s not a new trick or tactic or tool. The solution is and always will be discipline.

If you genuinely want to become better this year, become more disciplined.

Take the challenge that is the Lost Art of Discipline and be the man that even your most ambitious dreams require you to become if you ever have a prayer of achieving them.


This article is right on the money.

Willpower need to become AUTOMATIC in what you do to really set yourself up for success, whether it's in the gym or in life.

Discpline leads to consistency, which leads to success.

I've read through Chad's book "The Lost Art of Discpline" and it's excellent...full of actionable information that you can put to work to become more disciplined in your life and truly SUCCEED.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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