Subject: You REALLY don't want to miss out on this!

There are just a few hours left before I shut down the Lifetime All-Access Pass deal where you can get ALL of my past and present books as well as all of my future books for just $99.

Click here to get your package now before the clock runs out and it's GONE.


The very first training program I ever bought cost me $120, almost 30 years ago.

It was a printed manual that I had to wait 6 weeks to receive in the mail.

And it was totally worth every penny.

That one manual (Serious Growth) was absolutely PIVOTAL in how I approached training from then on.

The results I got were phenomenal. I had just hit the end of my "beginner gainz" phase of training and I needed something to take me to the next level.

For LESS than the price I paid for that ONE manual that changed my entire outlook on training, you're going to get no less than TWENTY EIGHT manuals...


...Muscle Explosion...the most powerful "explosive growth" program I've ever put can literally gain 10 pounds of lean mass in 4 weeks, along with just ridiculous gains in strength (I had somebody add 120 lbs to their deadlift, which is nuts).

...Metamorphosis...the "secret sauce" for building muscle after you've hit a plateau...the training changes your physiology from the inside out to turn you into an "easy gainer."

...Metabolic Monsters...the most insane metabolic conditioning workouts you've ever tried...using simple equipment like barbells and dumbbells.

...Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss...the blueprint to getting you lean and shredded without losing an ounce of muscle mass.

...Time-Volume Training...shows you how to use the power of training volume, instead of intensity, to gain muscle and strength like clockwork, even with very limited training equipment.

...The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of series...14 books of unique exercises that cover every single muscle group you've got in ways you've never experienced before.


And that doesn't even count all the NEW books I've got coming down the pipeline...

You'll get all THOSE for free, too.

That's why my Lifetime All-Access Pass is such an incredible deal...the real-world value is just off the charts.

You know me...every single exercise and program I put out is "battle tested" fluff.

Any single one of these manuals has the potential to be a gamechanger for you and your training goals, whether it's building muscle, getting ripped, or getting brutally strong.

And you're getting ALL of them.

Click here to grab your Lifetime All-Access Pass now before time runs out and it's GONE.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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