Subject: Why "calories in, calories" out doesn't always work...

As you probably know by now, your intestinal tract (i.e. your "gut") is populated with a variety of bacteria...some "good" and some "bad."

What you may not know is that when this balance is off, those "bad" bacteria can actually interfere with fat loss, in a variety of ways.

So if you're dieting hard and training hard, and you're not be seeing the fat-loss results you SHOULD be seeing, it could very well be that your gut bacteria (microbiome) are to blame.


Because from a strict energy-balance standpoint, "calories in, calories out" SHOULD work every time...

However, sometimes it doesn't SEEM to.

And here's why...

Your microbiome controls how many calories are extracted from the food you eat...some people just absorb more calories from the foods they eat and can't seem to lose weight, no matter how hard they try.

That’s why the “calories in, calories out” method of weight loss can be tough to gauge accurately.

(Now granted, when you bring food intake low enough, it kind of wallpapers over that and you absolutely WILL get a caloric deficit and you'll lose fat...the main problem then becomes are you eating enough food to get sufficient nutrients into your system to maintain your health.)


You CAN heal your gut to help it work better...

And honestly, because the gut biome controls so many aspects of your health even beyond fat loss, such as...

  • digestion
  • energy and mood
  • immunity
  • hair, nails and skin health
  • gene expression

The sooner you fix that gut, the better you'll look and feel.


So how DO you heal your gut?

Some simple changes to your diet and your supplement routine can make a HUGE difference to your gut and your overall health and fat loss results.

This is one of the best protocols I've come across for healing the gut.

It's called "Gut Rescue" and...well...the name really says it all.

And just so you know up front, there is a video on that page that starts by talking about how eating salad made a woman gain 50 lbs.

It sounds counterintuitive...and that's basically WHY the video starts like that. They want to shock you into finding out how eating something considered "healthy" could do that to a person.

Keep watching it, though, because even though it sounds crazy, they do bring it back to how what you eat (even if it's "healthy") CAN cause serious issues with your gut and lead to problems down the line.

The "Gut Rescue" program itself is very thorough and, having done a lot of research on probiotics and gut health myself, I can see how effective this protocol will be for dramatically improving your gut health.

It definitely gets a "thumb up" from me, especially if you have gut issues that affect your life and health.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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