Subject: Why I don't like "cheat days" for fat loss...2 reasons...

From Nick Nilsson

So first off, if you haven't yet had a chance to grab your copy of Joel Marion's report covering 5 tricks for triple your fat-loss, you can still pick it up here:

5 tricks to TRIPLE your fat-loss results == F.REE download

Joel's got a couple of very interesting strategies regarding cheat days in the report, which I actually agree with completely.

In trick #2 he tells you the #1 thing to avoid after a cheat day to potentially double the amount of fat you lose the next week.

In trick #4 he tells you exactly what to do BEFORE a cheat day to make it virtually impossible to gain fat (no matter how many calories you eat).

It's very good info but what I'm NOT a big fan of is using a WHOLE day as a cheat day and actually even calling it a "cheat".

For me at least, I have a BIG appetite...if I dedicate a whole day to eating whatever I want, especially on a fat-loss diet, I can do a lot of damage in a whole to the tune of probably about 10,000 calories if I really go nuts :)

In my own programs, I recommend keeping it to just one meal and making that meal the last meal of the day. That way, you still get all the benefits of the caloric overload but by making it the last meal of the day, you limit the potential spillover of calories (and I can still put away about 5,000 calories in a meal if I really hit the Pizzeria Uno's pepperoni and the Culver's chocolate custard hard).

The second thing, calling it a "cheat," to me implies that you're doing something wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth! By giving your body a big shot of calories and nutrients like this, you're actually jacking up your metabolism and helping speed up fat loss. It's a very GOOD thing to do (keeps you sane, too).

I do use the word "cheat" in my programs because it's very easily understood...but I prefer to call them "calorie bombs" because they really do explode your metabolism when you've been grinding away with low calories for awhile.

Whenever I tell my wife I need a "calorie bomb," she knows what's coming :)

Bottom line, though, Joel's tricks are right on the money in terms of how to increase the results you get from a "cheat" day or meal.

Plus he's got 3 other excellent ones that'll really help you get the most out of your fat-loss training and eating. Check out the full report here:

5 tricks to TRIPLE your fat-loss results


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