Subject: When "calories in/calorie out" doesn't work for fat loss...'s what you can do about it.

Because honestly, while how many calories you eat and how many you burn ARE absolutely critical for fat loss (and is where you should start) the body can be a bit more complicated than that.

Sometimes your hormones can throw a monkey wrench into things and slow things down...a LOT.

It can be incredibly frustrating.

My friend and nutritionist, Jayson Hunter, has put together a simple supplement formula that targets this situation.

The stuff is called LeptiSense and you can read more about it here (and use code NY20) to get 20% off.

The ingredients are backed by some excellent research...and nothing in it is going to get your wired like a caffeinated energy bomb. It just goes to work helping your body accessing its stubborn fat.


That's not all...

In addition to LeptiSense, Jayson has put together a number of other excellent supplement formulas for a variety of different goals (I especially like his Active Recovery and probiotic formulas).

And EVERYTHING is on sale for the entire month of January for 20% off.

Just click here and use coupon code NY20 to get 20% off anything in his store.

I've used Jayson's formulas and they're top-quality...what I like is the no-frills packaging so you're not paying for the marketing overhead..just results.


How to get ANOTHER 30% off your order...

I've got his company, JayLabPro, set up in my Fitness Buyers Group to give you an additional 30% off when you're a member.

If you're a member, you'll get 30% cash back on whatever you buy.

If you're not a member, don't wait! You can sign up today and anything you buy is going to get you that cash back...heck, you could pay for your membership on one order.

Click here to learn more about the Fitness Buyers Group now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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