Subject: What's the very BEST type of Push-Up?

Push-ups of all types are great exercises.

However, there is ONE type of push-up that, in my opinion, is THE single most effective type of push-up you can do.

That's the Handstand Push-Up.

If you've ever wondered how gynmasts get such incredible shoulder development, look no further than this exercise.

For a great roadmap to attaining this high level strength move go here.

I'm a huge fan of the exercise. Years ago, I started out not being able to do a single one on my own...then using a variety of methods, I built up to hitting more than 40 reps in a single set.

This bodyweight-moving strength translated directly into free weight-moving strength as well, allowing me to strict shoulder press 95 lb dumbbells for sets of 10 reps at that time.

If you've always wanted to do Handstand Push-Ups but didn't know where to start, this guide is for you.

It was put together by my friend and colleague (and fellow strength maniac) Logan Christopher.

Bottom line, if you want bigger shoulders...if you want serious overhead pressing strength...and if you want to wow people at parties... need to learn to master the Handstand Push-Up.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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