Subject: What are In-Set Supersets and how do they build mass FAST?

A "normal" superset is a training technique that has you doing two exercises one right after the other, with no rest in between.

Supersets are very effective both for fat loss and muscle-building.

In-Set Supersets combine two exercises into ONE set.

You'll be alternating reps of one exercise then another. This is a great way to target different aspects of a single muscle in one set and it works EXTREMELY well for building overall mass.

Generally speaking, this type of training combines an isolation exercise with a compound exercise for that muscle group and the two exercises share a common start or ending position where you move directly into the other one from with (ideally) no change in grip or body position.

For example, for triceps, you would do 1 rep of lying tricep extensions then immediately 1 rep of close-grip bench press. You would do as many reps alternating back and forth like this as you can.

This effectively keeps tension on the target muscle while switching between different movement patterns for it, working a larger number of muscle fibers within that muscle.

...and that means MORE MASS FOR YOU.

On this page, I've got In-Set Superset techniques listed for every single muscle group. Killer stuff.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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