Subject: Want a flatter stomach, tighter waist and stronger core?...GET THIS...

Because the price is going up in a few hours!

Yep, you've only got a few hours left to save $74 on the new
0-6 Pack Abs System. Price goes up at midnight Pacific time
tonight and it will NOT be extended.

=> Get All 3 Fast Action Bonuses, The HUGE "Phase 2" Bonus
AND save $74 On The NEW 0-6 Pack Abs When You Click Here

Now bottom line...I want you to know this program is legit
and absolutely well worth the price they're asking.

It's going to teach you how to properly activate your deep
abdominal muscles using a variety of unique core exercises...

... the end result of which is a flattening of your stomach,
tightening of your waist and development of a much more
solid and "active" core during all your strength training.

This is powerful, effective, cutting-edge stuff and right
now (until midnight), the price is literally DIRT CHEAP...
and the value you get for your money is off the charts.

Because in addition to the program, they're also offering
different fast action bonuses as an “ethical bribe”
to get you to check this system out. Here they are…


3 Progressive Bodyweight Workouts
(Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)


The 72 Hour Gut Inflammation Solution

The 7 Fat Loss Habits

=> Get All 3 Fast Action Bonuses, The HUGE "Phase 2" Bonus
AND save $74 On The NEW 0-6 Pack Abs When You Click Here

Look, I get it...working the deep muscles of the core with
"activation" exercises is not flashy...anything BUT flashy, to
be honest.

The thing is...unless your body knows to activate those muscles
properly, you'll NEVER achieve the results you want with your

This activation stuff is just that's foundational
knowledge that you can build on to get the results you want,
whether it be a flatter stomach, smaller waist or less back pain.

If you'd like to see a sample of what this program has to offer,
check out this video talking about the #1 mistake people
make when training abs. It's entertaining and has some
really good info in it!

And just remember, the price WILL go up at midnight and
the bonuses will be GONE...

... so if you're at all interested, I would say pick it up, check it
out...and if you feel it's not a good fit for you, they have a full
60-day money back guarantee on it so there's no risk at all to you.

=> Get All 3 Fast Action Bonuses, The HUGE "Phase 2" Bonus
AND save $74 On The NEW 0-6 Pack Abs When You Click Here

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
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