Subject: Upper chest lagging? Try THIS...

If you have a weak, lagging upper chest, you know how targeting this area can be a real challenge.

Sometimes incline movements (like incline barbell bench press, dumbbell press or incline flyes) don't seem to get the job done.

This is a problem I have myself. I don't get the best results from incline work as my shoulders and triceps tend to take over at the expense of the upper chest.

This unique "hybrid" method combines dumbbells with BANDS in a way that focuses massive tension on the upper pecs instead of sending all the resistance into the shoulders.

To perform this one, you'll need a bench, a pair of light to moderate-weight dumbbells, a pair of light bands and something solid to hitch them on to (I'm using the posts of a power rack).

If you need bands, this is my recommended online source.
(Use coupon code rbtfitstep and get 10% off your purchase of any band package)

Hitch the bands to your solid posts then loop the other ends around the handles of the dumbbells. Set the bench a few feet back (this will take a little experimentation to get the proper distance for the exercise).

Reach down and grab the dumbbells with the bands down by your pinky side, then sit on the bench.

Lie back on the bench, just like you would do for regular flyes.

Now the bands come into play.

Note the angle of my shoulders...the dumbbells are over my face instead of my chest. The angle is similar to what you'd see in an incline press...but without actually being on an incline.

The bands allow for this incline-mimicking shoulder angle while also delivering CONTINUOUS TENSION on the upper pecs during the entirety of the set...start to finish. And yes, it's miserable and exactly what the upper pecs need to grow!

Come down into the bottom flye position.

Perform this exercise slowly and under complete control, focusing on achieving strong tension and contraction in the pecs. The angle at the shoulder will force that tension to go right into the upper chest, where you want it.

Aim for a set of 6-8 reps. The dumbbell weight you're using should be something you could normally get at least 15+ reps with. The additional tension of the bands is going to cut those reps in half.

This exercise can be used on it's own to target the upper chest or as a pre-exhaust to your regular incline presses (or as a finisher once you've done the heavier pressing).


Decline Directional Hybrid Flyes

To target the lower pecs, just turn yourself around so that your head is pointing towards the bands. This will change your shoulder angle to mimic a decline bench position.

When you get into position for these, hook your legs over the end of the bench, otherwise the bands will slide you backwards. Also, the bands should set on the thumb/forefinger side of the handles, due to the change in direction.

Note the angle at my shoulders. The dumbbells are over my lower rib cage. Next time I do this exercise, I will actually move the bench up a little more to get even more of a decline angle at the shoulders. This was good, but a bit more would be better.

Come down slowly into the bottom position of the flye then come back up.

The angle at the shoulders and the direction of the band resistance will focus the tension on the lower aspect of your pecs.

Again, aim for 6-8 reps of this exercise.

How many sets of each version your perform (IF you do both) will depend on where you feel you need to focus your time and energy.

If your upper chest is really lacking, you might do 3 sets of upper and 1 set of lower (or even no lower-focus flyes at all).

Bottom line, this exercise is going to dig into those hard-to-reach fibers of the upper chest and really help you develop the area nicely. And if your lower chest needs work (a less common issue), the decline version will do the same for that area.

Watch the full video of these exercises in action on my YouTube channel here.


Want to Learn More About Hybrid Training?

Because of the focus on continuous tension and the directional resistance Hybrid Training offers you, each Hybrid set is literally worth 2-3 normal sets for building muscle. It's that good.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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