Subject: Try this "zero willpower" diet tweak...

One of the biggest complaints I hear from people with dieting is that they're hungry all the time... literally ALL the time.

You eat, and then you're hungry 20 minutes later.

Sound familiar?

Then it becomes all about strategies to fight lack of willpower and fighting against our bodies natural inclination not to starve itself. It's miserable.

Losing fat shouldn't be about willpower and fighting your body the whole way.

It's not the end of the world to be hungry on a diet, but what if you had a plan where you only had to be hungry like that once or twice a WEEK, not constantly?

Where even if you had hardly any willpower, you could still do it and succeed?

This nutritional approach, with a simple tweak to your eating patterns, can do it for you.

I use it regularly myself and it WORKS.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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