Subject: Train THESE muscles for a flat stomach...(not your six-pack abs)

Crunches won't get you a flat stomach...

...neither will sit-ups...

...not any "normal" ab exercises you're thinking of...

And the reason those exercises won't work to flatten your stomach is because they don't work the DEEP muscles of your core that wrap AROUND your midsection like a corset.

The six-pack abs run vertically on your doing crunches to flatten your stomach is essentially a waste of time.

That's why I was really happy to see THIS...

It's an [almost] free DVD that gives you the unique exercises you need to really work those deep core muscles that actually WILL flatten your stomach (just cover shipping and the DVD will be sent directly to your home).

If you've seen or used my "30-Second Ab-Solution" program, you'll recognize the very same concept at work with these exercises (and on the website).

When you work these "corset muscles," they automatically tighten up your waist and flatten your stomach all day long...they can even help improve your back pain by giving you an "internal back support brace."

Grab your copy of this stomach-flattening DVD here...

There are some really cool exercises in this program...stuff I've never thought of and that you can do at home, whenever you like.

The DVD is put together by Dr. James Vegher, who I've actually talked to and interviewed in the past. He's a doctor of Physiotherarpy and is one of the "go to" guys on the West Coast for patients who have exhausted their options for healing through physio.

Honestly, I was VERY impressed when I did speak to him...he really knows his stuff and his methods made total sense to me.

100% you'll get results from this DVD.

If a flatter stomach and less back pain sounds good to you, click here to get started now.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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